Do you deem Tampons are desperate for you?

My dad don't like me using tampons because he thinks they *popped my cherry* when to do that you call for to have sex and as far as I'm concerned, I am still a Virgin.

I don't keep them within more than a few hours.
I don't use pads becasuse no matter what I do, I other leak on my cloths and through the pad.

Answers:    I have the same problem with the pad. It wasn't comfortable knowing that every time I stood up I could have a spot.

I think tampons are desperate for people but I use them anyway. You have cotton surrounded by your body for 2-4 hours and that's not exactly safe. The toxins build up and what not. Tampons don't pop your cherry although it can break your hymen. You'll be a virgin until penetration happen in your vagina. That's the only entity that won't make you a virgin..
Tampons, when used correctly, are not bad for you nor should they perforate your hymen. Many girls near intact hymens use tampons regularly. As long as you use the size appropriate for your flow as well as change your tampon regularly (every few hours), tampons are a hygienic and convenient alternative to pad.

You can always use information on the internet regarding tampon usage and myths to help out discuss this with your father. Many people are misinformed as to tampon usage and commonly hold on to cultural or antiquated beliefs regarding this product. Showing your father documentation (you can always move about to a tampon brand website) to help provide your father with facts that may assist gain understanding and knowledge. .
Tampons are totally nontoxic. Just as long as you remember to change them before 6 hours because of TSS [toxic shock syndrome]

No pique, but your dad should really listen to you since you're a girl and know about these things.

I've never worn a tampon... yeah, I know. My MOM doesn't let me because she's afraid I'll receive TSS and when you go to the doctors, it says you aren't a virgin. I don't know, that's what she said. Anyways.

If your dad is totally against this, consequently the best thing I can really tell you is to try different pad. My periods are really heavy and I own to wear overnight pads. Yeah, it sucks. But StayFree is a really good brand to use. Haha.

Good luck, I hope your dad listen.
Yer father is soo wrong, he doesnt know how the whole tampon things go. They dont pop your cherry, yer right lone sex does. He doesnt understand, tampons are actually really great to wear and surrounded by your case that has happen to me with pads, so my inference on tampons is that they are wonderful! Well you're dad's not a girl and he doesn't understand that your "cherry" can "pop" from sex or from doing sports, or you can be born without one. Yes, but if you do wear tampons, a moment ago put a liner in your underwear just incase you hold a bad heavy flow. .
when it comes to this u dont hold to listen to ur father. tampons are totally safe but require a bit more responsibility than a pad, because if u fell asleep near one in it could do serious damage tampons are too small to 'pop your cherry'
you can gain TSS but its rare
i only use tampons
pad are gross and smelly and uncomfortable
why does your DAD hav something to do with this anyways?
The problem near older generation tampons be that it may cause toxic shock syndrome, but with the newer generation that we have today, they shouldn't cause too heaps complications. There's always the risk of TSS but if you use them correctly and don't leave them contained by there for longer then you're supposed to later they're fine. .
No they are not as long as you don't keep them in for too long and construct sure you change them frequently. Tampons are not bad for you. If you use them, if you hold not had sex, you are still a virgin..
No I think it's pick or choose, doesn`t matter what you're more comfortable with. I don't think they would put on the market us something that would be harmful to us. no, they are much more comfortable than pads and as long as you progress them frequently, they are fine. .
You are still a virgin. Tell your dad when he gets his period, you will listen. lol it is none of his business and you are totally right gosh parents currently need to take classes lol..
they can seriously slay u if u leave them in to long but if u purloin them out when ur suppose 2 then idk what the problem is with it That's not how it works at adjectives.

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