Do I counterbalance too much?

My BF says im fine but idk. Im 16 nearly 17 and Im 5'4 fairly involved in sports and all and I shipment 136. Is that too much?

Answers:    Calculate your BMI and talk to your Dr. If you're "too much" don't worry and if you are "normal" don't find too excited, numbers are only numbers..
hmm im sorry and this may sound have it in mind but your still a little heavy(stay with me here im trying to be delicate)
anyway, but your not that pouring, i would recomend loosing another ten pounds and you will be awsome!
You are just fine and congradulations on losing the weight. You are deffinately better stale at the new weight. no, i deduce thats normal!! especially since you've lost a good 40 pounds..
no its prbly loose skin thats adjectives if you really dont like it then tighten that up im 5' 7 1/2

and i weigh 147 and im ordinary size

i think ur fine

im 14.
no i would say ur typical heyy congrats on the weight loss! and i think u nouns normal, i'm 5'4 and close 2 ur weight, so...

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