DELAYED extent after morning after pill.

Hi - i took the morning after pill approximately 36 hours after the 'event/accident' - my period was due on saturday, so i'm 3 days tardy - has this happened to anyone else? Is it adjectives? Getting a bit nervous here...! I'm an upstanding member of society, 30yrs out-of-date and married - not a young girl, so please spare me judgemental comments. Thanks!

Answers:    chill ! This is totally normal, it is even possible to SKIP a complete time of year after taking it.
You are NOT pregnant! lol.
It is common for a delayed period. The website say one week is common but anything more than that should be investigated. If you are 3 days late you should know how to take a hpt and get an accurate result. It might reduce your mind a bit if you did take a test. It's everyday. I took the morning after pill a few days before I was due to procure my period and my period culmination up being 4-5 days late. I after had a heavy, neutral, heavy period that last for a little more than a week. It was outstandingly irregular.

I do remember all the worrying I had though beforehand. I'm sure you'll find your period. Just give it another time or two.

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