Could I enjoy condition problems?

Ok, well i'm 15 and I've pretty much eaten unwholesome my whole life. Right in a minute i'm trying to turn my life around and eat well again, I'm also starting to workout everyday. I used to because I played soccer for 9 years, but last year I stopped. Since I ate so bad, could I own major health problems in a minute? I mean, i may just be paranoid, but it feel like I've been have some pain in my chest. Not necc. around my heart, but sometimes. I don't want to ask my parents to pilfer me to a doctor, just to be sure, because they will just christen me paranoid.

Answers:    Health problems are always possible, but at your age, heart trouble is unlikely. Pain in your chest could be because you are breathing more greatly during your new exercise program, or it could be left over from a cold, flu or asthma.
If you are concerned, you can other go to the doctor yourself without consulting your parents. You could also consult the university nurse if you have one, or call a local medical hotline.
Great work on drinking healthier and exercising more! You are well on the course to a healthy lifestyle.

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