Contraceptive question suggestion please.?

i've been in the Depo for a year and partially, and next sat i'm varying for the pill, because i can barely stand myself lately, i've been bleeding for times past year, (moderatedly , but still have to change street lamp days pads 3 time a day) and the mood swings, short term depression, etc, so i needed to know what pill is better, because i'm not going on the ring, my aunt got pregnant with that, and i hear the patch isn't that trustworthy, is Yaz good? Any other suggestions? thank's!

Ps. and how will i start using the pill after i'm done with the depo? (because i bleed everyday, and i know i enjoy to start on the first or last day of the month, or my time ? i have no clue as of how to use thepill sorry!)

Oversized labia?

Your doctor can give you better direction than we can, but I'll do my best :-)
You'll probably start taking the pill straight away, but won't be protected until you've been taking it for a week. Most women find that the pill exerts good control over their cycle, unlike Depo which, as you discovered, regularly causes irregular bleeding. It's likely that, once you're on the pill and your body is used to it, you will own a period every 28 days, lasting between 4 and 7 days.
You will pinch the pill for 21 days, every day, then own seven days pill-free, during which you will have a period. Then you will start taking it again.
An positive aspect to the pill is that, if you find it causes side-effects like mood swings after you can go to your doctor and get a different type of pill. There are lots of different pills, so there's likely to be one that suits you.

K, you usually get ur period after 1 to 1 1/2 years after ur boobs start growing, right>?

Your dr should tell you how to use the pill but unsophisticatedly, if you start on the first day of your period you are protected straight away. But you can start at other times. The instructions should include a slot on what to do if you are coming off a different type of contraception and I would assume that you can just run the first pill the day after your Depo runs out, I'm not sure whether it would be effective straight away.
All the pills are essentially the same.

Sweat probzz??

I personally assume the Depo shot should be removed from the market. It can have diff effects for everyone,. but for me a I gain 20 lbs in ONE MONTH. So Id say that be reason enough never to use it again!

The pill is great for regulating your interval if you have crazy one. But weight gain and loss of sex drive is most feasible going to happen to you.
Sunday Start.. So If your period starts on Tuesday and ends on Friday steal the pill that Sunday ...Even if you are still bleeding. And then just dont miss ANY pills and embezzle them at the same time Every day.

I haven't have my term within over 3 months...?

No one type of birth control is right for everyone. That is why in that are so many types and brands on the market. This is something you will own to discuss with your Dr. I would advise you do a google turn out of the most popular brands and see if there is anything you may be interested in...Yaz, Seasonique, Ortho Tri-Cyclen and they create a Lo dose also, there are IUD's like Merina and implant like Implanon.Good Luck

Period quiz..?

I want to ask my mom if i can shave but i preserve chickening out please help out?
Quickly please?
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