Can you solve this mystery??

Why girls and ONLY girls love to go to the loo or bathroom together?
I'm sure you have notice this before.
Pls don give malicious remarks, not in the mood today...and no offense meant to the lovely ladies any.just curious...thanks!

Do dull achy pains surrounded by my ovaries niggardly that i enjoy a cyst?

1) If it is a group of 3 or smaller amount, women usually travel together. If one goes to the bathroom, then she is alone. If 2 walk to the bathroom, then 1 is left alone. This is especially true if it's lone 2 women, and you're in a crowded bar. You don't want to lose your friend! Safety first!

2) If you obligation something (lippy, tampon, gum, etc.), your friend might have it so it's best to take everyone along. Be prepared!

3) You can turn talk about the boys you're beside.

4) You can continue the conversation you're having.

5) Women hold a habit of simply annoucing to their friends, "I have to pee." Power of suggestion... suddenly they will own to go too.

6) We can go pee and not a soul can see you. It's different for me, you have to stand right next to respectively other!

I enjoy never have an orgasm within my smallest i dont believe.?

LMAO LOL well it for a couple of reasons 1) we goin together to relieve each other, this means curls make up etc, 2) we could be goin to talk roughly someone so instead of making it so public we go to the bathroom and huddle 3) last but not least possible FOR SAFETY so many things goes on at party, clubs, etc and if us chicks stick together its less likely that something harmful will happen to us.

Theres more reasons but ailing let the other female report to ya.

Evap Lines In 5 Minutes? Is This Really My BFP??!?

because when you're in the ladies room its one of the only places that you can receive away from the male population and say anything you want without trying to impress that cute guy you're hanging out near :D

hope i helped

Hi i am 17 years old-fashioned and i get my time when i be 12!?

I like going to the bathroom by myself, more privacy that style. But I think most of us girls go within groups just to talk, or some girls can take paranoid. It really is mostly to talk though

Birth control for 3 months straight?

some girls do that because the bathroom has a big mirror and they fix their receive up and hair and help respectively other.

People enjoy be unfolding me that my ovary hurtun could niggardly pregnancy?

Well, I personally like to dance by myself, unless I'm just fixing my hair or makeup.

Has anyone taken norethisterone b4?

It's because the feminine population is entirely too gossipy! They do nothing better than run their mouths! I hate that!

Help, description of confused?

I agree next to Kristy.


Okay a moment ago read it?

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