Can removing solely impulsive stages of Endometriosis stop interval anguish?

I was diagnosed with Endo when I be 16. I am now 32 and still have distress full periods, so i had another laproscopy end week and the doctor burnt off what endometriosis i have but there was still solely a mild amount there even after all these years...(Maybe 3 children helped)...I be wondering if anyone that only had a mild form of endo have ever had it removed and found that their pain go away after surgery? I also had an UPLIFT of the uterus as well that may minister to..??

Answers:    I have endo as well. I am 35 and diagnosed a few years ago. I have had 3 lap...2 with laser ablation, continous BCP's, 2 rounds of Lupron and currently have a Mirena IUD. My throbbing has been insupportable at times, in fact I own had to take long-winded time off work on two occassions because it was so desperate. I just recently enjoy gotten an endo specialist who says I am not a good entrant for surgery beacuse it comes back so quick near me. I have also been referred to a anguish management clinic and "internal" physiotherapy. The laps hold worked for me in the past, for two years respectively. However, my endo guy says that more surgery will only create more adhesion and scarring which he believes is adding to my pain. Unfortunately most endo does come pay for. The fact that you have have 3 children I am sure has helped the endo...I decision I were so lucky... If you want to chat feel free to e- letters me.
Yes, I have. I am 23 and I had a laproscopic endoscopy roughly a year ago. The doctor said that I didn't have alot of it but that she did what she could. It actually get alot worse for me after the surgery, but only for a few months. After about 4-5 months I feel much much better and I have had almost no spasm since then! I want to give you some hope that if it hurts alot presently you shouldn't worry because it should get better surrounded by the future.
I hope you feel better :)

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