Can i win TSS from a tampon i wore an hour ago?

could i still get it if i took it out an hour ago and im now wearing a wipe? it was my first time wearing a super (i unexpectedly got my extent today RIGHT before a gymnastics meet) and a girl on my team give me one which hapened to be a super (which i wore for about 6 hours). i usually wear pads and ive worn tampons (regulars/lights) smaller amount than 10 times in my life. could i catch TSS?

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nope. TSS occurs when foreign materials are in the body for much longer. the box say not to wear a tampon for more than 8 hours, but that is probably a conservative "safe" number. unless a hunk of cotton was departed inside after you removed the tampon you are probably just fine.

Is at hand somehting wrong beside me??

No you are fine most times it happens when women forget something like them and leave them in at hand for days. If you read the side of a tampon box it will tell you all give or take a few it or the little manual inside. It is very irregular. It is usually associated with fever, abdominal dull pain, and nausea. You are fine i would not worry

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It's fine. You'll be safe up to 8 hours, but it's imprudent. You would know if you got TSS, your hands would be numb and your skin would be cold and you would surface rubbish and would be in hospital, so if that hasn't happened by very soon you're fine.

Try to limit it to 4 hours between changing, or at lowest possible every time you go to the bathroom. :)

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no, theres no guarantee that you will get tss even if you wear it for a few hour isn.t really long satisfactory for the process of tss to happen.

I capture slightly severe menstrual backache, mostly it's worst the year up to that time and the first two days of bleeding.?

no you're fine
don't worry

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