Breast Pain?

I have had severe breast strain - both sides for over a year now. It is related to my cycle but I get it more or less 3 weeks each month. It's really getting me down. i've asked for help from my GP and saw a homeopath for something like a year, which didn't help much. It is affecting my sleep and general mood. Just wondered if anyone else have experienced this and could provide a magic cure! I've tried long bouts of evening primrose and vit supps too neither helped. I own two children the youngest is 4 and was breast fed for 18 months - don't feel this is related though.

Menstruation ?

Have you tried vitamin E supplements? If so, what dose? The recommended dose for breast pain is 1000mg daily, which is high than any over the counter capsule - but you just lug two or three or however many to make it up to 1000mg.

Hey what does thiis suggest and isit okay?

I suffered duplicate for years and tried everything, nothing worked. Due to personal circumstances I lost weight, (was not flab, just average) became slightly underweight contained by fact, hey presto smaller boobs and all stomach-ache and discomfort gone. That was about 8yrs ago, surrounded by the last year have put somewhat weight on, not above my ideal counterbalance but more than I was. Most of it on my boobs, guess what? The pain and discomfort have come back, not as severe, but still back. So my singular solution is, if your weight is on the upper side of average and your boobs are on the large side, try to ease your weight. I am doing this again, not because I need to lose consignment, the rest of me is fine, but the bazoomers have got to turn lol. Hope this helps, good luck. x

Why does Endometriosis effect fatigue?

It's because I'm knock the brakes off your *** every other night sweet pea... I'm sorry, I'll be gentler subsequent time... Though I do love biting those puffy puffed out nipples you have, and smacking them with my mushroom stamp.

Vigina tighting?

Well i know someone who have really big tities and has breast pain, but he's only fat so i can't really give any worthy advice.

Dark Brown menstrual cycle this time around?

i get deeply tender boobs for 2 weeks before period they swell up & cant own anything near them i havent found anything to help me ive have it for about 4 years now

Sex hurts?

As for myself...I get hold of b-pain 2 weeks before my Menses start and ends a day or 2 after it begin. I have been told and I also read that it's related to ovulation and that hormonal state you're contained by until your period happens.
As to comfort it, doc had switched me from one type of Birth control pill to another. It took about 3 months from starting a different pill until the torment was gone. With this pill though, I am prone to acne, not much, but never did I get a pimple until that time. So by fixing one thing, leads me to another issue.
I can't mention what pills I rob. That is for you and your doctor to figure out what will work for you.

If you are looking to remedies that are not hormonal(birthcontrol pills)...I don't know of any besides OTC pain relivers.
Hope this help!

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