Okay so 3 days ago I started feeling sore in my departed breast. Then today I felt a lump around the nipple of my breast. The lump is sore, and tender to the touch. It is firm, and moves slightly if I push it around. It is oval shaped too. I am 15, but I read that cysts usually occur surrounded by women 30-40 years old! Now I also read that cysts can occur after a term, which i just finished mine about 4 days ago. I showed my mom and she feel it and said we should make a doctor's appointment. Im really scared. I enjoy a male doctor and I dont know how comfortable i am with him examining me. I also am not entirely sure if this is a cyst. I am really worried. I dont know what to do..have you ever had something approaching this? does aspiration hurt? im really scared and im stressing over this really badly. Do you feel this is even a cyst???? PLEASE HELP ME I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. :[

Answers:    I highly doubt it's anything you should worry just about. It's very rare for something approaching that to happen when you're that young. My suggestion to you is to stay calm and see the doctor to make sure. Also, I don't have a sneaking suspicion that you should worry about a mannish doctor examining you. It's their job to keep you serene and feel as comfortable as possible. It should be pretty quick too..
capably right now there is nought that you can do but stay calm. ask your mom if you could get a feminine doctor for that appointment, usually hospitals are totally fine with switching, especially at your age, so just try not to verbs for now when there is nil to do. and even if you can't switch, its nothing for him to check you, he IS a doctor, he just desires to help, it probably awkward for him too. im fourteen and the same point happened to me about a year ago it be a cyst and i got it taken out and the doctor told me no exercise well i didnt listen and i go running one night and it opened up where on earth i had surgery and bled everywhere, i was by myself and not a soul around i freakedd, i ended up getting rushed to the hospital and getting it re-stitched so if it is a cyst and you gget surgery listen to the doctor(:.
I had a cyst on my scrotum that acted approaching the descriptions you provided and I freaked out too. but for me as I said it was a cyst that went away after a time. likelihood are it is nothing but get it checked out purely in case. omg do not freak out! this should step away in a week or so.
i had something approaching that on my armpit, and trust me it was nothing it completely vanished after in the order of 10 days.
so no worries! (: trust me i worried and it was nothing. .
No i don't chew over so. Your breasts are just developing, and sometimes they do stuff like this next to lumps forming. If you are really worried about it, go check it out. I don't deduce it is though, so just calm down! :) Go to the doctor, you CAN obtain breast cancer at 15, it's just unlikely not impossible.
if your uncomfortable beside your doctor, im pretty sure you have the right to request a nurse to examine you. Don't stress out. Most breast lumps, cysts and the like turn out to be benign..
First of try not to verbs. Its rare for somone your age to get breast cancer. Second I own very cystic breasts. I have lots of fatty lumps and I hold had them for years. I had one removed but they freshly come back. Tendencys such as eating profoundly of fatty food and wearing push up bras (which I wear all the time) and genetics will bequeath you those. They are harmless. BUT always hang on to an eye on them as you DONT want them to turn to cancer. And yes sometimes they do hurt especially around the monthly curse time. I had mine checked and what they do is take a big nozzle and take some sample out of one of your cysts. It does hurt a bit as the plunger is quite big and you should MOST definatly have someone near you and a nurse should be in the room with you as powerfully. Usually those are the rules anway. They then will check if it has cancerous cell or not and if not discuss what you want to do with it. I enjoy left mine as they just come vertebrae. I couldnt breast feed when I had our son as the cysts blocked it so not ample milk could get out. Cystic breasts are quite adjectives so at this time dont worry about it and do some research on how to lower your likelihood of getting them again. your mom will be allowed to stay in the room with you when the doctor examines you. that should construct you feel a bit better. do not worry, the likelihood of this being cancer at your age are very massively slim. it could be a cyst-which is nothing- it could even be a clogged milk duct-and yes, you have them there, even if they aren't needed but. it is better to go to the doc, and find out it is nothing than to stay at home and verbs and imagine all the worst things. which is what i surmise you are doing now. so please stop worrying, i know its hard not to, but I'm remarkably sure that everything will turn out fine. ok?.
My mom has had a cyst until that time, and she had to have surgery to remove it. For it, she immediately has an itchy spot near in attendance, but other than that there be no affects, and she said it was fine and not scary at adjectives.

I'm not sure if it's a cyst, but your doctor will know. The important thing is not to freak out! If it turns out not to be a cyst, won't you consistency silly about worrying over nothing?

Male doctors can be not thoroughly understand of female problems sometimes, and I apprehend why you would be reluctant to have him examine you, but just remember he's qualified to sustain you with any problems you might have.

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