Anyone taking progestin to settlement beside irregular period?

My doctor prescribed Aygestin (norethindrone) to stop the heavy irregular bleeding I have adjectives the time. I have polycycstic ovarian disease and they did a D & C about a month ago which help for maybe 3 weeks, but back to bleeding again.
I don't know what the long occupancy side affects of taking this hormone will be, it has stopped the bleeding for almost a month now, but I'm really alarmed to keep taking this stuff. The doc said she would do a hysterectomy maybe contained by 1 to 3 months if this stuff doesn't work. I really would rather prefer getting the hysterectomy to stop all this insanity once and for adjectives, but she wants to try hormones! Any advice or similiar stories you could share next to me would be appreciated-thankyou!!

Answers:    There are no long-term bad effects of taking Aygestin, except perhaps some women take a bit depressed on it. I wouldn't rush into a hysterectomy--you could be trading one problem for another, for all you know. Ask your doctor about endometrial ablation, for example. If hysterectomy is your single option, though, then do it.

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