A boy asked for sex what do i do

im 15 and a boy asked to have sex with him i told him possibly as long as he wears a condom.what should i tell him i really want too?

Answers:    convey him hell no that your no fast a$$ little girl to go find somebody else to play next to! you are too young!!.
i would wait

apparently your not ready if you have to ask complete strangers on Y!A. keep on for a guy that your dating and your really in love with. because after it will be special. and you wont have to question whether you should or not

because trust me honey. when your mind is inquisitive. that is your mind telling you you are NOT in place and you will regret it.
the first time you have sex is not what its all cracked up to be. especially when its purely some random hook up. i mean yeah when your near someone you love its really special. but still. its not like the magical fireworks they show in movies. .
It doesn't concern if he wants to have sex. It's up to you and since you are on here asking a bunch of strangers I going to run with that your not ready. Tell him that and if he doesn't respect your wishes after you know what you will know if he respects you or sex. If you say no at least you didn't afford it to him.
Hope this helps. if you want to go for it use protection and emanuel ejuaculation will u please stfu!! god you hold given out so many rude comments in the womens form your not a doctor obviously and your not a women so get sour of the womens health will you!! stupid ignorant bump and sorry person who asked the question have 2 tell him.
I don't think you should do it. There are so heaps bad things that could come of this and only one accurate thing. He could tell his friends and you could be agreed as a slut, you could fall pregnant, your parents could find out, you'd be known as trouble-free and guys could use you, it's illegal so you could get within big trouble...and yeah...don't do it...anything else except sex Well... i am same age and also goin through the same thing! I hold a chance to go to this guys house and he wishes me to have sex wit him... he is a great friend of mine and yes we do tlk bout sex alot and i feel that i am in place BUT.. i am not in love wit the guy so i am gonna pass on the proffer and if he really likes me then he will hang about on me! SO if yurr in love wit him go for it only be ready to accept adjectives the consequences! If ur not in love then u may not wna do it!.
You appear sort of young. Just think more or less how you are going to feel afterwards, and how much it's going to hurt when that boy leaves you for someone else. Wait until the moment is right. Wait until you are in a definite committed relationship.
Don't waste your virginity. i would tell him no! if u r unsuspecting and tell him yes if u do want to,.

im only 14 and i hold been put in that position alot. bc i agree to one guy and word got around soo.just take heed in wat u do. guys usually tell nearby friends who tell everyone. soo best of luck .
only enjoy sex if you are truly ready and use a condom. i recommend being surrounded by love when you finally do it because it really is a personal thing no matter how much nation in movies have detached sex. If you're not ready or dont know if you're not ready, next you probably arent. and by you asking this question it confirms you dont know. so basically no you shouldnt..
If you don't already know the merely logical answer to this question then I can't facilitate you. i would wait,
make it more special.

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