No spell for 5 months?

i'm 15 and havent had it since september
and the other time i had really sharp pains surrounded by my lower right abdominal area could these be connected
i go to the doctor and he said i had a cyst so i did ultrasounds and he said it be gone but i still dont have it
i achieve stomah aches alot but they dont final long
and i get like mad of light coloured discharge
what is this

Answers:    It sounds similar to you may P.O.S. (Poly-ovarian cysts)
They are very small cysts and they CAN interfere next to your period.
It could also be something referred to as D.U.B. (Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding)
A D&C would probably be the best channel to help out these conditions, along next to birth control to stimulate your bodys horomones into having a menstrual cycle.
If you are merely starting out with have periods (like inside the last year) the time can skip for a few months. This can occur because the body is trying to adjust to the change going on inside of it. As for the sharp pain that could be an indication that the term is soon to come. This type of pain is what they bid ovulation (the 2 weeks before the actual spell comes).

The discharge can also be an indication your period is coming soon. Please tolerate your mom know that you are having these pains so that she can assistance you keep an eye on the situation.
You can other get a second inference. Some doctors just aren't well brought-up at some things. Are you taking the pill? It could easily be that. Your body is supposed to be regulating your hormones, this is how you be designed. Often the pill is used to force periods to be regular, as in good health as protect from pregnancy. I’ve seen adjectives kinds of wicked side effects, from small nuisances, to women whose entire life is messed up forever approaching loosing their uterus. The pill can be very treacherous. I get suicidal on it. When I be choosing a bc method, I researched them all. What I come up with be the diaphragm. It works without hormones so you don't termination up with these huge Natzi hormones overthrowing and controlling your fluent cycle. It's like a womanly condom, you can't feel or see it and neither can he. You put a bit spermicide on the rim, which seals it and kill any trouble makers. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as decisive as the pill, on the pregnancy part, probably better. The doctor will fit you to get the right size and to show you how to put it within and remove it. It's easier than to remember to take a pill everyday when you’re not gonna enjoy sex everyday. You just hold to remember it when you’re going to have sex. If you forget it, unsurprisingly it doesn’t work at all. If period are an issue regarding sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over dark. It was my favorite bc method. However approaching the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will kill you.
physicians assistant
Well that sounds resembling a serious problem and you should go backbone to the doctor. But it sounds like the cyst may enjoy ruptured, especially if it isn't there anymore and you enjoy discharge. But you really do need to take back to the doc ASAP so he/she can check you out! Especially if the headache isn't getting better. enjoy u had sex coz u can b prgnant but it could also be hypothyroidism but i wud shift see a GP or summmin

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