STILL confused almost the pill..?

alright, i hear soo many different things nearly being on the pill. I own been on it 4 months very soon but am still confused as to - do you actually ovulate when you're on the pill? I hold gotten soo many different answers and i a moment ago want to know which one is the right one! I am also confused because sometimes when i'm on my last week of non-hormonal pills it take a few days before i in actuality start bleeding or stop bleeding a couple days early.. so would I if truth be told be protected during this time? and how can u be proteced what if you start ovulating before you start your subsequent week!

i'm so confused!

Answers:    The pill is synthetic hormones that stop ovulation. So no, you are not supposed to ovulate when you are on the pill. However, since the pill is not 100% effective, it is still possible for it to begin,especially on the lower dose hormones and if you don't take the pill at indistinguishable time everyday or skip days. The pill was originally designed to pilfer all the time, but within the 1950s, they thought women would "feel better" if they have a monthly period, hence the week of placebo pills. The placebo pills or the stop of hormones, allows you to shed the inside layer of your uterus (usually takes a few days to happen), acting resembling a period, but its really not because in that has be no cycle and no egg. 7 days is not long enough to fire up the menstral cycle and allow ovluation. So you should also be fine as far as pregnacy that week. Plus, since the lining is shedding, it would be pretty frozen for an embryo to implant the placenta. Just net sure you take them everyday, at like peas in a pod time, and you should be fine. Use condoms too! There are lots of diseases out there beside no symptoms.
YOU DO NOT OVULATE WHEN YOU ARE ON THE PILL! If you did you would be pregnant! The pill is hormones to fool your body into thinking it is already pregnant, thus not releasing eggs! When you are on the last week of pills (sugar pills) you will own your period, but will not ovulate. Other than the first month of pills (takes one cycle to become effective) you hold the normal risk of getting pregnant (like smaller number than one percent). You will be protected as long as you do not skip any pills, forget, etc.
If you are a teenager and still upset of pregnancy I suggest using an additional method such as condoms, spermicide, etc. some relatives do and some dont...all nation are different..just ask ur docotor...they know what they are doing afterwards what people are recounting...they have be through medical school...not the those telling u whats what.
You should be asking your doctor! They'll dispense you the absolute right answer, where on earth people on Y!A might guess or something. The impression of the pill is that it always protects you.

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