Could I hold genital wart?

I am a 14 year old feminine,
I am a virgin, I have masturbated until that time, many times.
On the inside of my cervix, I looked inside and in attendance was this hulking lump with white spots on it. When I masturbate, It is class of in the road.
It doesn't hurt or anything, I have no agony what so ever, even when I use a tampon.

Could it be cancer? Warts? I am very terrified and confused.
If you have any links, pictures, anything, it would assist a lot.

Should I get hold of a pap smear?

Answers:    I would get it checked, asap :D
YES GO GET A PAP ! NOW ! look little one jump ask you dr. they will check
Yes go to your dr and tolerate them help. Yes you should obtain a pap right away. But if you are a virgin and has never have skin to skin contact you could be okay but you should still get checked out.
Have you have any contact with a masculine in that nouns? If there is something going on down within then you defenitaly have need of a Pap! I know they are no fun, but your health is importaint DONT WAIT,GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW!
YES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE GET A PAP!! and mention it to your mom or an grown female that you trust. Genital wart are on the outer rim for the most part. See a dr.
You emphatically have to receive a pap smear determine what it is. But yet I contemplate it is harmless although it can obtain painful over time. Gynecologist can remove it for you. I hope you're for solid, since I'm taking my time to answer you. If you've never had any sexual contact of any thoughtful with another personage, doubt its an STD. No pain? No itching? No discharge? No odor? Probably a typical part of your anatomy. If you don't expect so, then report to your Mom you want to have a check-up, and why. You don't have need of to mention the self-entertainment. That's irrelevant here. You can just vote you were looking out of curiosity, and saw something you don't suggest looks normal.
if you are virgin, I doubt it is genital wart, but it does sound approaching some sort of growth, possibly caused by unwashed hand down there. shift see a doctor, it's time you had a vaginal check anyway. There is No Way you could see your own cervix. I devise you have your anatomy wrong, you should ask your mom, elder sister or your Doctor about this one.
PAP SMEAR OF COURSE. Sounds resembling warts. If it is, you call for to take exactness of it before it become cervical cancer. It's in your cervix and contained by the way when you masturbate? how? Do you know what a cervix is? Either style, get the smear. DO NOT DELAY Of course you should budge to the Dr, but I wouldn't freak out if I were you. Its probably not something serious. Make an appointment and forget give or take a few it until then.
I would step tell your mother so she can steal you to get a pap smear and if you don't own a mother ask another lady that you trust. If you are still a virgin you don't own genital warts and I don't suggest they look like that. Not sure what that sounds resembling. Good luck! FIRST of all ... please dont hysterics . i know you must be REALLY worried but you ARE alive!

You need to achieve to the doctor as soon as you can ... thet are there to serve you and WILL NOT judge you by what you share them .. they have hear it all earlier!

Please go to the doctor ASAP . you'll be fine . xxx
First sour, I would like to know how you be able to look inside your cervix!! That's some spectacular act!

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease ... so it's most expected that's not it ... but any time you have any "weird" bumps or lumps on your body you should other go see a doctor.
Chances are, if you havent have sex you dont have a disease (like warts). However, you cant see your cervix by purely looking inside...your cervix is way up contained by the top of your vagina, and can only be see during a exam by your doctor.

You DO need to travel see the doctor. Your bump could be a variety of bacterial infections, or something more serious. Talk to your Mom or someone you trust. Trust me, no mature (not your Mom or your doctor) will be shocked...and the doctor has see many things close to this before.
Technically, if you are not sexually busy, it is not cervical cancer of HPV, the virus that can lead to cervical cancer. Also, I suggest it would be very difficult for you to certainly locate your cervix while masterbating. You may have some sort of cyst or infection. Most imagined, it is a cyst which explains the bump and the white spots are most likely pus specifically located at the surface of the cyst. You can apply a warm compress (a hot washcloth) for a few minutes and after try to press on the lump and see if it will drain. This can easily be treated next to antibiotics. There are glands in the labia that are prone to mortal very cystic close to a Bartholin's gland cyst. It is most likely zilch major, but I would recommend that you walk and see your family doctor or GYN. You should also be capable of locate your local health department and hold the exam done for free.

Oh and as for genital warts, if you are not sexually alive, you shouldnt have them. Also, they are predominantly external and are in principle cauliflower like contained by appearance.
I'm not sure what your lump is, but I agree with the other posters who said that you cannot possibly be seeing your cervix. That make it hard to guess what part of the pack of your anatomy you meant and what you're seeing.

Genital wart are small, flesh-colored bumps on your labia and the skin surrounding your vagina. You're extremely young to hold cervical cancer, and if you haven't had sexual contact next to anyone else it's probably not an STD.

Ask your mom to take you to the gynocologist because you notice this bump. I'm sure you'll be fine, but at least your feel will be relieved.

Also, genital warts and cervical cancer are NOT cause by the same strains of HPV, so even if you own genital warts, they would not end in cervical cancer.

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