I hold to progress on this trip. What do I do?

I'm 13 and I suffer really bad time of year pains, I get severe cramps and cant move and consistency extremely sick and sometimes I do throw up. In a couple of days I am going on a school trip that have been remunerated for and everything, but this is the time i'm most heaviest and experiance the most pain next to my period. I wasn't supposed to be on my interval at this time, but of course beside my luck, I started my period past due. I can't miss this school trip, I'm taking my GCSE precipitate and this trip is vital for me to bring a good status, but i'm going to be in severe aching unable to move and nearly throwing up?!?!? I'm so anxious, my mum just say I'm going to have to live near it but it's such bad niggle, and what If i'm sick infront of everyone? I'm making myself ill by thinking what could surface.

Answers:    You do NOT have to only just live with it!

Most girls and women can prevent time pains all together.

As it's a bit behind to prevent period pains you entail something to cure the period pains, the best point to use is something called Clary sage, this is an essential grease so you can get it from robustness and aromatherapy stores, you just put rather bit on your tummy where you're getting the pains and stroke it into your tummy. It is FAR better than painkillers for dealing with cramps, in recent times use it when you need to.

I'd also suggest to thieve a nice relaxing the night earlier using a little lavender bubble tub or oils to relief you de-stress and reduce your interval pains, then grasp yourself a good sleep and start the afternoon with some herbal tea - draw from yourself one of the following herbal teas; chamomile, rasberry leaf, yarrow, blessed thistle, manic marjoram, red raspberry, wild strawberry. These are adjectives known for reducing menstrual cramps, my old-fashioned flatmate swears by rasberry leaf as the solely thing to stop her term pains and calm her down.

Through the sunshine make sure to drink lots of hose to help straightforwardness your pains too, also if you use tampons then don't as they can significantly increase cramps becuase they are so impossible for your health, instead use pad or menstrual cups the latter is also far cleaner and more convenient.
Tell a teacher you can trust roughly speaking what is happening and they will hang on to an eye on you, if it is a female tutor she'll be able to give support to you throughout the day to stop anything scheduled in front of society.
Oh, and try some pepermint tea through the day or purloin some mints with you similar to softmints that have pepermint grease in them, pepermint is drastically good for an upset tummy, or ginger tea or ginger biscuits are also a honourable idea, this will facilitate stop you from being sick.

To prevent interval pains try taking evening primrose oil day by day (you can get these surrounded by capsules from strength stores and supermarkets) which will help hang on to your hormones regulated so will help prevent these sort of problems.

Diet is severely important, visibly any foods that make you bloated similar to salts or spicey foods should be avoided around your length as bloating adds to time of year pains, things like dairy or caffeine can inflict a lot of problems for general public so try to cut these out, also soya is a big one to avoid. Make sure to eat lots of fruit and veg. through your cycle as powerfully as drinking a lot of hose.

I would also say that you should progress see a doctor because it is not normal to get hold of this sort of pain or complaint when you have your time of year, although it may just be because of your age near hormones making your periods a problem, I'd read out it's worth checking to see if you have endometriosis or cysts which can clear your periods impressively bad and inevitability treating.
Be careful next to doctors though because many will try to bring you onto the pill just so they don't hold to do the work of finding out what is wrong - the pill will suppress your cycle so may get rid of this problem but that problem will still be near so may come back once you stop taking the pill, it's also deeply important for someone your age to cram about what's mundane for your cycle so you can spot infections and prevent pregnancy easier when you get elder.

No one should ever have to suffer from time of year pains, there are loads of cures and prevention methods out nearby, get books out of the library on it or look in the order of online.

Here are some web sites that may support you;

http://www.scarleteen.com/article/advice... (very good site!)

Good luck!
why dont you try some pill that will relieve your cramps. discuss to your mom, shee will buy them for you.
good luck. you should budge & see your doctor as soon as possible. they will be able to advocate you on the best course of action, probably putting you contained by the pill.
My wife has other had really impossible period pains sickness etc. She take a tablet called menafamic acerbic. I would ask your GP if you van take it as it really help her simptons.

As for worry making you under the weather there could be an component of your anxiety over suffering on your trip enhancing the feeling and symptons cause.
Take lots off strain killers near you (dont take too copious at a time). Warn your teachers in the region of it and just try to savour it. You could try taking a little hot marine bottle or one of them wheat bags that you fry up in the microwave, although i dont know how you would re-heat these on a trip and i guess you might look somewhat silly dragging it around with you lol.

Good Luck x
There is no aim for you to suffer so painfully anymore beside painful period.

(I did for years - not nice)

I suggest you visit your doc asap - and they will check you over - and they should make a contribution you some medication, just until they find out the principle behind the misery...
Do you have time to form an appointment with your doctor? If not simply ask your mum to get some misery killers for length pain from the chemist. I would also ask your mum to perchance speak/write something to one of the teachers. Unfortunately, you don't really enjoy many option.

Good luck.
bless your little heart darlin! im 24 and had really fruitless problems like you descibe when i be younger, there is comparatively alot of things you can buy at the chemist for period pains, i dont know if you enjoy tried any, if not would your mum jump with you to the doctor- he would be capable of advise you. i bear the pill now (contreceptive pill - at hand are a few but they all do the same) and my period actually stopped and i dont enjoy them anymore- which when i asked the nurse at the doctors they said was conventional as periods can stop when you on the pill, if you are getting it this bleak every month it might be worth looking into. I really hope you sort something out, try talkin to mum again- tell her how worried you are.If she wont listen message me rear legs and i will try to find out a bit more to help you.Good luck, and try not to verbs. love bex.xxx Talk to your teacher or ask your Mam to write a memo explaining your problem and your distress. Also try getting travel calm tablets, they lend a hand me with sickness when I hold migraines with my term. You can also take paracetamol and nurofen for the discomfort, take a supply beside you. Also pack some heat pad, those designed for pain headship, discreet and can be a comfort. Your mates will read and try not to sit at the back of the coach it you are travelling. Take some heaps with you surrounded by case you are sick, as ably as some wet wipe just contained by case. Try not to verbs too much, you'll only sort things worse. Chin up huni, it'll get over.
i suggest you shift see a doctor so you can know exactly what to take to relieve your cramps...my term is just resembling yours and i have to steal 4-5 Advil's all at once...i also hear "pamprin" is really good Midol really relief me.. when i get cramps/pains..

your mom is right it will be something you'll hold to live with.. it should catch easier as you get elder.

you might want to bring some painkillers .. (midol /or advil)
bring pad or tampons.. which ever you prefer..

Best Of Luck..

Lesley Patterson
Someone have mentioned Mefanamic Acid - and they're right. It's awesome. Obviously you need to see a GP / nurse asap incase you can't ahve it because of a medical condition.
And I'm sure nearby are other medication you can be given.

If you havent actually started, but know your going to, you can help yourself to tablets (prescribed) to delay your extent, which can have side affects, and your interval may be worse afterwards.

But I'd strongly recommend a trip to the docs - you're periods shouldnt motivation you that much pain.

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