Is this common? Women/girls lone please! Unless you are a doctor, nurse or somebody who studies medical?

I am 14 years old. Sometimes when I grasp itchy nipples this kind of clear stuff (looking close to water) comes out of my nipple, its not a lot it is usually for a moment drop and it doesn't happen adjectives the time. Is this normal or serious? Is it a sign of breast cnacer? No body within my family have ever had any times of cancer what so ever, and I don't be aware of any lumps around my breasts. Please please help! I am really upset here

Answers:    I've studied some anatomy, but may not be as qualified as some on here.

I know a clear liquid comes from the female's breast during nursing, this is full of antibodies and what not for the child, and doctors vote this helps to increase the immune system.
It looks resembling water, so this may purely be that stuff coming out. My guess is because you are going through or about to travel through puberty and it's normal.

As long as it doesn't start a lot, I wouldn't verbs about it.

Remember, I'm individual mildly experienced, others may know a bit more about this.
i presume that is purely apart of puberty.. i wouldn't worry too much in the order of the itching (that happens near puberty) but if the leaking of the clear stuff continues speak to your doctor. it might be pus, which could be a bad sign. if you are feeling shame about asking other remember since you are getting older at your routine checkups, you can other make sure your mom isn't surrounded by the room with you and ask your doctor. Don't be anxious because if you have to guts to ask it could expire up being something serious that needed to be found. Nipple Discharge is of Concern if it is:

bloody or runny (serous) with a red, pink, or brown color
sticky and clear within color or brown to black in color (opalescent)
appears spontaneously in need squeezing the nipple
on one side singular (unilateral)
a fluid other than breast milk

it's typical, you're perfectly fine. it's freshly hormones changing. mine stopped when i be about 16 or so and my breasts get a bit bigger

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