Why is it such a B*tch to be swift and discreet during your spell?

I know that I am not the only one who feel this way.

For instance:

1) At work, you enjoy to be sure that nobody catches you put a tampon/pad surrounded by your pocket. If you take your purse beside you to the bathroom, everyone will know that you're on your period.

2) When you enjoy successfully stashed the goods and made your route to the bathroom, you can start to feel mortified when other women are waiting to use the bathroom too.

3) You've finally got to your stall and locked the door. Now you own to be careful not to spawn any noise next to the pad/tampon packaging if not everyone will know. So, you wait until the toilet flushes or purposely flush the toilet to transform.

3) If you take too long to changeover and get cleaned up, everyone will know you be on your period or assume you did a number 2 when you boss back to work. So you enjoy to also master the art of changing pads/tampons discreetly and QUICK. You also enjoy to incorporate the time it takes to mop up and dry your hands too.

Answers:    I dont really guardianship about it,adjectives of my friends have theirs and sometimes we will discuss about it stuff resembling that. one day me and my friend be hiding from another friend and we looked over and there be a box of 500 playtex tampons, so we opened our plenty and took some lol instead of paying 50 cents for them, what a rip off! we solely told a couple other people just about it, so sometimes we see girls going in that room at the other failure of the school only just to steal a tampon, its really funny and we all snigger about it.
Yeah. Lol. That's in recent times how it is, though. It sucks. One Word Mirena!

Um... everyone has their extent. Get over it! It's not a big deal. I know, that's why I exchange it during class, i jut ask to go to the bathroom during class and since the bathroom is pretty darm far away nobody can really suspect it, also i linger til no girls are in the bathroom
I never hear someone that felt that bearing. I never really thought about it adjectives like that. If it is really that bothersome, you can be in motion on birth control, specifically deprovera (shot) and it will stop your period. its only just a menstrual every woman goes through it nought major... who care if they see you put a pad within your pocket.. i dont
AGREED I used to feel that opening but not anymore It's all quantity of being a women
OMG, i know what you be a sign of!!

it is so embarassing changing your wad or tampon in the girls bathroom because they will know you are on your term if you stay in the stall to long or they will judge you are doing number 2.

Ha. I hate that time of the month, but lucky i get a divacup like 2 months ago try this website divacup.com
yeah i totally be aware of that way!hahahha you are resembling inside of me typing or something!jk but i do feel that method i ttly agree with adjectives of that, and i do all of that. I guess its only just an akward subject even though every woman gets it..
omg! yes i no.the worst subdivision is that when you dont have a wad or a tampon with u I infer this all sounds a moment or two ridiculous to start. Every woman in the world have a period. If you are within the WOMAN'S bathroom, than whats the big deal? Second, not a soul is even paying enough attention to you to supervision if you are changing your pad/tampon or going "#2". I lift it this is from someone younger and you will learn to acquire over it!

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