If the clitoris of feminine is removed at infant stage,,,, later what will come about?

Answers:    I couldn't see anything horrible happening. I show technically the woman can still have a child. She might be really disappointed later contained by life when she can't experience and amazing orgasm. I really surmise this is a horrible thing to do to a child. If there is any judgment for a female's clitoris to be removed it should be a mature, thought out outcome, and ultimately it should be HER own decision.
YOUR IQ MIGHT GET UP TO 50 Dude why would anyone want to do that?
I've hear about this within Africa. Its just awful. These woman hold a difficult time having an orgasm. Sometimes scare can cause problems too. The experience of this practice is that prevalent vaginal mutilation, even in infancy lead to massive health problems within women. The result is that people who practice this recurrently suffer famine and disease and early disappearance among women and female children.
it would be tragic for a woman and of late plain out mean. its approaching to remove UR penis at infant stage
whoa what a freak question. I agree near the above comment. It is known as feminine circumcision. They will not know the pleasure of sex. that is adjectives. They can conceive and become mother.
i agree to what vate has said ,

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