When the time comes and i hold sex near her.. what precautions do i appropriate earlier, during, and after?

When we have sex..

obviously i use a condom.

please answer respectively question/

1) Get an erection, then put the condom on, then bring her
on her back and start penetrating?

2) after i ejaculate... nick off condom and flush it in toilet?


3) what if we both want to do it near no condom
because she wants to feel me ejaculate inside her.
how does abortion work. can we return with one the next day?

4)what is morning after pill?

i want to do it but im panicky of consequences.
pelase answer questions and i would
really appreciate extra input

Answers:    Sounds like you necessitate to wait. You're obviously unqualified.
Just fooling around is better, if you're actually going to do something. And more pleasure for her anyways, I'm sure.
There are many ways you can please respectively other without actually have sex..
do not flush the condom down the toilet...it can break the septic tank if you do that frequently

if you dont want babies use a condom or have her jump on the pill ( presuming you two are def honestly clean and monogamous)

abortion and the morning after pill are not to be used as birth control

by the questions you asked i muse you arent ready to have sex.
Hahaha. I remember those days. Revise step 1.

Get her "contained by the mood".

Definitely use a condom. Abortion should never be considered an option as part of your "planning".

Be prepared to be Dad if that is to say the course of events. Otherwise don't do it..
Please always use a condom AND have her acquire on the birth control pill. Counting on having an abortion is a very doomed to failure option and makes things MUCH more complicated for you and the girl (not to mention the baby). There is no better entity to ask about this than her Dad. He will know what to do. Why dont you ask him. I bet after that talk the closing thing you are gonna want is sex with anyone..
WOW... only do what feels right. i don't agree with abortion, but you could the morning after pill and only just pop one the next day, or shift on birth control. your putting too much thought into this. if you aren't ready to deal near the consequences that you aren't ready to have sex.
Don't flush the condom down the toilet or you're going to own some explaining to do. morning after contraception will likely involve your parents if youre a minor
same for abortion.
Uhhhh...you don't just shift around getting girls prego then expect an abortion is the easy means of access out! That's wrong wrong WRONG! do not do it if u are not ready for the consequences.. .
dude, you're a tard wowww....
Well, first of all, is she even okay near having sex with you? Because non consensual sex is big-hearted of considered...rape. But anyways, if she's fine with it, go ahead next to step 1, but don't flush the condom down the toilet. Just throw it away (they teach you these things in form class, you know...were you paying attention at adjectives?).

Question 3 is complete nonsense. Of course you can't an abortion the next daylight! You'd have to wait for her to seize pregnant in order to do that (because that what abortions are for; to remove the fetus from the uterus because it is awkward for the mother to bear the child). If she wants to be aware of you, fine. Don't use the condom. But be prepared for possible consequences (pregnancy, acquirement of an STD if either partner has one [which I would completely disapprove of if you did hold any but want to go ahead with your plans anyway]).

The morning pill is not a contraceptive, but to some extent cleanses out her system of any eggs to make sure none of the sperm can fertilize it.

Honestly, if you're that afraid of the consequences, then conceivably you should hold off any plans until you can handle even the opinion of what may happen. Because we all know that irresponsible boys are what make the rest of society that much more abstinent. .
Abortion is very extreme; morning after pill is the one you do next-day.

First make sure you can if truth be told get the morning after pill. She will have to be the one to move about get it; you can't go buy it for her. She'll any have to make a ring up to her gyno and have them call within a prescription to the pharmacy (which means 1. it has to be a weekday when the bureau is open, and 2. this could be risky if her mom could find out that way, approaching through insurance), OR you go to a Planned Parenthood clinic and she goes surrounded by for a quick walk-in appt, and pays cash. They tender you the pill there and it's confidential, so minors can go in attendance.

Find a Planned Parenthood clinic near you, just type surrounded by your zip code at the top of this page:

The pill has to be taken in 72 hours, but the earlier the better. Make sure there is one hard by you that's going to be open when you need it!

I gone this part out because it seems approaching everyone else has covered it, but I still need to stress this: If you're already this worried in the region of it, MAYBE you're not ready to have sex. Remember that no concern what happens YOU must accept responsibility!.
Wow... if you... wow. You should. Immediately stop have sex, because.. wow you're obviously not ready.
If she wow. XD I anticipate seriously.
Okay, she realizes it's gonna drip out, right?
Abortion is not a form of birth control.
The morning after pill is something people use specifically a highly concentrated dose of female hormones cause her body to flush the system and force any egg out of the uterus, thus "aborting" a potential fetus. =/
I mean, it's bothering me that you've got these formula for the steps though. It should be more loving than that contained by my opinion I suppose.
The morning after pill is sort of expensive. Better to not use it.
And please don't exploit abortion. It'd be stupid for people approaching you to use abortion as birth control because she wants to feel a squirt. They enjoy turkey basters and water for experiments like that. Not potential child birth.

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