How to grow ?

Im 14 and i look like a 11 year antiquated help ?

Answers:    im not sure if theres much you can do sorry!
i enjoy heard getting proper sleep help because thats when you grow.
maybe achieve likke an older looking curls cut or something or dress a bit older but if it a rise issue i dont think theres a large amount you can do sorry
unfortunately not much could be done.don't verbs you will grow as you age...if you are lucky this will continue into you 20s and beyond..society who are young want to look elder, and older general public want to look younger Give it time, I am also 14 and people mistake me for my friends little sister! If you havn't started your extent yet next I wouldn't worry much, but you can other go to your doctor and win growth hormones. But growth hormones can be bad for folks some times so I would go to your doctor since you start taking them.
When you are 50, you'll be glad that you look younger. Don't worry. You will verbs to grow late into your teens and impulsive 20s. Just give it time and be merciful.

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