Condoms?? Answer ASAP Please!?

Okay, me and my b/f use a condom everytime we have sex
is at hand a large indiscriminate of me getting pregnant?
To my knowledge they havn't broke.
If they did the man would at most minuscule know, and he would of told me for sure.

Answers:    Hello, I'm what my father calls the cagoule baby which manner even though he wore a condom I still got here.
No, next to a condom the chance are pretty slim. But condoms can break. therr is a greatly very small uncertainty of you getting preganagt unless one tiny lil sperm goes threw a microscopic hole contained by the condom you will nto get preganat
theres other a chance of getting pregnant.

Condoms a short time ago lower the risk

and sometimes there is a luck he doesnt know if it broke.

good luck
Ok, condoms are 99% important in preventing a pregnancy. So within is always that 1% still evocative, but thats a slim chance. However, turn pee right after you have sex, that's also in the order of 90% effective. Hope it help. Yes their is a Big risk of this!! Also you are putting your self at risk for sexually transmitted disease!! You should go on Depo to be 99.9% sure you won't attain pregnant! And even with Depo still other use a CONDOM!!
i suggest taking birth control! those DONT break and sex feels soooo much better lacking a condom on Condoms 84% effective.

They also aren't designed to protect against Sxually transmitted diseases.

They've failed to protect against 6 out of 8 top stds.
I really wouldn't verbs about it too much as long as you are punctilious. If I were you I would start taking birth control consequently you will be pretty much covered. I take Yaz and I don't ever use condoms because I hold been married for several years. I use to find freaked out and worry that I would grasp pregnant but the pill really does work. You can use two methods like the pill & condom newly to give you that extra protection from pregnancy and std's. It's accurate that you are so careful. I enjoy a 4 month old daughter and believe me it's alot of work!lol The lone sure fired way not to become pregnant is not own sex, but since that is pretty much out of the request for information here. You are pretty safe beside the use of a condoms and as stated they are only 99%. Now one said something in the region of go pee right away. Same nouns in a since but to be precise a no go. The place be the penis goes and sperm is deposited and urine comes out are close but contained by two areas in a concern of speaking. Even to wipe wil not get al of it. A man is going to ejac inside younot on the outside. Those little guys are pretty suitable swimmers, once insiode they go adjectives out for that egg. One is going to make it sometime two depend on the see or bet they made just b4 self kick out of the scrotum.
Hi Lisa,

I'm 38, and enjoy been sexually helpful for 20 years, and for almost all of those 20 years condoms enjoy been my contraceptive of choice.

I enjoy also NEVER, NOT ONCE EVER IN MY LIFE, been pregnant.

There is a CHANCE that nearby will be a mistake with a condom -- it could break once, the guy could spill some stuff right on your vagina while he's taking the condom rotten, stuff like that -- but that's what Plan B is for, it's for when your ordinary method goofs. But if you use condoms correctly, it's a SMALL chance.

Also, condoms are the singular kind of contraception that also protects you from most STDs -- the pill doesn't do that nor does any line of defence method like the diaphragm.

All contraceptive methods enjoy a chance of failing, but the more scant you are to do them correctly, the smaller that chance is.

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