Vaginal itching? Should i translation doctors?

I've had deeply of itching down there. First i have a yeast infection, then i cured it but the itchiness didn't budge away.
I saw a doctor about this, and she told me that i should stop using soap.

How weired is that? I'm thinking to switch doctors but I'm not sure. Is soap bleak for vagina?

P.S. I was also tested for STDs and I'm faultlessly healthy

Answers:    Just try using thaw water for a while, and if you do use body wash, make sure they don't enjoy oils surrounded by them since oils can bring your yeast infection final. Also make sure to hold your area dry adjectives the time.
It should go away next to time.
Soap can dry the skin, dry skin equals itching.
Try using some feminin body rinse or something like that (To be honest I don't know what you ladies christen it).
And ask your doctor what he/she reccomends you use being that they are the one who told you to stop using soap.
surrounded by a way she's right roughly the soap, it can contain chemicals that irritate or dry out your sensitive area. i have this same problem and after switching soaps it went away. the helpful of soap that works for me is antibacterial, but you should definitely use soap a short time ago a milder one than what you're using. Your Doctor is probably right. You may be allergic to the soap as soap can dry out the skin due to the chemicals that can be in the soap. I know unmistaken soaps do it to me, and I was told one and the same thing. Try using a body clear up that does not have soap contained by it.
soap isn't good as it upsets the PH plane. I have have a similar problem before, i changed soaps and it solved the problem, try a PH indeterminate mostrising body lotion instead... dove soap is good. Well the soap tend to dry you out and afterwards that is why the itching is taking place i would try to change to a more milder soap or more moisturising or even catch the anti itch cream something with cortisone that should backing don't change doctors but she sounds like she know what she is conversation about but she didn't explain it to you enormously well and you should ask more question good luck
It is true that soaps can be pretty rough and strong to your sensitive areas as genitals. If you have only just started using a new soap I would reccommend stop using that one as capably and switch to something milder. I use Johnson and Johnson Baby Wash on sensitive areas. There is also a brand called Sweet Spot that have special soaps designed for the genitals of a women. You can find it at most Beauty product stores now.

You never want to put soap up the vaginal waterway, or try to douche. It throws off the pH be a foil for and yeast inside of the lining of the vaginal waterway. Which would cause and overcompinsation of defense mechanism.

Have you recently changed textile softeners, or laundry detergents?

Not all STDs can be diagnosed next to just a blood question paper, some need a biopsy within order to attain results from.( ex. HPV). Which does cause itching of that nouns and is often misdiagnosed by doctors because they are unbelievably hard to convey the differnce from a razor bump or swollen gland sometimes. If the itching is mostly within one area consequently I would say that you should examine yourself beside a mirror and see if there is anything to be exact out of the normal.

If you switch doctors, they are once agian going to mention for you to restrain yourself from using soaps because this is a standard reccommendation for dermalogical reasons (ex. contact dermatitis).

But.. you should adjust doctors if you dont trust or feel comfortable next to them, afterall it is your health.
the doctor may be right. some soaps own dyes and perfumes that can upset the bacterial harmonize and cause yeast infections. try shifting soaps and be careful to rinse rotten properly. bubble baths have given me horrible problems so i no longer cart them. the itching can disturb the balance and you could gain another infection. i only use the label brand over the counter 3 day treatments. i hear soaking in a thaw bath next to a bunch of baking soda is helpful. i hold used that and it helps. best wishes! glad u saw a doctor too. I've be suffering from BV since 2006. The only entity that seems to be working is douching near water and apple cider vinegar. Do this everyday after you catch out the shower.

Fill half a sports bottle up near water (make sure you don't verbs the bottle out with soap!) and crawl the other half next to apple cider vinegar. Shake thouroughly and squirt the bottle head into your vaginal walls. It will burn at first, but bit by bit it gets better as you verbs this douching regimine.
If the doctor is giving you vaginal itch then find another doctor. Clean that regularly near good solutions
Soap can be extraordinarily drying and if you use an antibacterial soap it can upset the balance of the pure bacteria surrounded by the vaginal area. This can make happen itching. Try using a natural soap.. approaching an olive oil base soap, found in robustness food stores like Whole Foods, or the special box of your grocery store. If you have tested and within is no infection, this is most likely the wreak. The soap you are/were using could have cause drying or irritation, I think the doctor expected change soaps.

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