Gynecologist a few days after getting my heart cath??

so i'm getting a cardiac ablation (hopefully) and electrophysiology study which involves passing a catheter through my groin up to my heart. i required to start taking birth control for my skin, but the dermatologist wouldn't give it to me because i hold a heart problem. i've never gone to the gynecologist before, but is it okay to be in motion 4 days after getting my heart cath??

Answers:    yes it is oka. however you need to reveal your heart problems to the gyno too. the sense the derm wouldn't put you on the pill is the pill can cause blood clots along wih other side effects and near the heart condition you are at a higher risk for those side effects.
wow, umm to be precise DEFINATELY something that you need to ask the doctor, hun. If you hold any doubts or concerned than you need to ask someone, dont trust adjectives of us loosers online :) i have a heart problem and i took the depo shot , it last 3 months at one time cause i couldn't purloin the pills either , immediately they just did the essure procedure on me.

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