What are the likelihood that I will gain immensity next to BC?
Answers: It adjectives depends on the type of birth control you're on and your body type. From personal experience I didn't gain weight on birth control, but everyone is different. Most women I've talk to have gain weight because they have a bigger appetite while on the pill, and that's what lead to the weightiness gain, not just taking the pill itself. A small percentage of women do report weightiness gain, but it's not significant. I wouldn't worry just about it!
Very small. Birth control sometimes increases your ability to retain hose down, especially around your period. Most those experience no weight gain. If any, it is conceivably a .5-1 pound of fluid. There is a ton of research that proves this. I am also on the birth control pill, and have be able to continue my weight. A lot of women gain freight, and blame it on the birth control pill. However, the birth control shot has be proven to increase weight on women. This have been proven near research. Many women gain weight near the shot, and stop using it because of this. I would suggest using pills or the nuva ring.