My vagina be itchy after intercourse and when dust surface irritation?

itchy outside of vagina

Answers:    Gyno you should GO!
pretty normal since you would own exchanged bodily fluids
just do a mundane wash beside luke warm hose down
if the irritation persists it could be a Yeast infection and you woudl be better past its sell-by date seeing a doc
You may have a criticism to the lubrication/spermicide/latex of condom. It could also be a yeast infection. I'd suggest seeing a doctor in casing it is an STD. You could have simply have too much irritation too. Try using baby soap. Regular soap only irritates you and makes it worse.

It could also be a yeast infection, but next you would feel itchy adjectives the time.
Sounds like a yeast infection. Alot of time it can be spread if the other partner be having sex next to someone that had a yeast infection.

Try getting some Monistat from a drug store. Make sure you go and get the kind beside the external iching creme to put on the outside of your vagina.

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