does anyone know what they did!?
Answers: I am surprised that girls/women in the US do not know going on for this question as it is subdivision of American history.
The native American women have a communal "Women's Teepee" to which they went during menstruation and kept themselves verbs inside using water and sometimes a steam tub.
they most likely put some benign of cloth to keep it from coming down within legs. I'm sure they did SOMETHING .. ya know? I doubt that they "let it stir down their leg" lol
they actually put pebbles and rocks up nearby I THINK my health guru said that. they had to stick them approaching all the style up in their cervix so no blood could return with through at all lol ouch! =[ cloth
They may own used sheep skin or animal fur. I guess that's what I'd do if I had an animal and no thesis products lol. Navajo (the tribe I'm from) used goat's hair as pad to soak up the blood, a long time ago. I remember it was taboo for a man to touch it after it be used and discarded.
In some tribes, it is customary to stay away from the woman during her period predominantly because she was bitchy, moody, and yell a lot!
Our tribe have a 4 day ceremony to paint the town red a girl's first ever period. It's call a Kinaalda.
Being Native American, yeah, that can have adjectives kinds of benefits. hahaha There's also a taboo around mother-in-laws in our Navajo culture. The son or daughter in-law is NEVER supposed to look at or communicate beside the mother in-law at all times!
Been told by a Lakota woman that things similar to a strip of soft deer skin and moss were used.