My time of year is unnatural??!?!?! wtf?

okay so after me and my boyfriend did stuff i skipped a period and it freaked me out. Than i get ti and it was dire worse period ever! Literaly.

Than second month i had my length and it lasted 2 days?
any philosophy on why?

Answers:    Hormones can have an effect on your menstrual cycle. You've probably be going through a lot of touching highs after doing adjectives that stuff with your boyfriend and that's what's be throwing you off.

But what do you show by "doing stuff"? What kind of stuff are you chitchat about? It's also possible you could enjoy mis-carried and then have a normal spell.
Mines messed up too, but go to your doctor freshly to rule out anything that could be wrong down there. You nouns like me.
I run MONTHS without have periods,
consequently whenever i do have them they're rediculas.
i cramp grisly.
bleed everywhere!
and its just uhh. hold you been tested for diebetes(sp?)
thats why mine are so retarded.
You can sometimes obtain your period while ure pregnant, so probability are that your pregant i would go n appropriate a pregnancy test. I'm guessing you are probably below the age of 21. If so, you will have crazy period until you get elder and your body finally adjusts.
Irregular period are very adjectives for adolescent women. If it's something that really concerns you, confer to a gynecologist and go on the pill. The pill help in regulating your cycle and if you're have sex, you should really be on some form of birth control anyway. Those types of things usually have to do near hormones because of as u get elder or factors amend, such as maybe your not excercising ample or too much stress, the hormones get messed up. You should see your doctor and they'll a short time ago give you a check up and probably a blood trial.
Respect YOURSELF and don't do "stuff" with your boyfriend. Then you won't freak out.

If you can't do that, Go see a gynecologist and grasp checked out. Go to Planned Parenthood and get an exam, birth control and an HIV check.
If you had any class of physical trama recently such as surgery or something similar I know that that can really mess your cycle up I know that mine be like that after have surgery a few years ago

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