Now very soon, enjoy you ever hear of "Pencil D1ck Syndrome??"?
Its pretty serious. I guess one of my buddies is afflicted by the terrible condition. Can just find the thing. Looks more approaching a pencil sharpened to the eraser. Or a walnut. What should I...I mean, he do??
Answers: Hahahaha !! ohh dearie me. adjectives i can say is i get the impression pretty sorry for the girls in his existence! hahaa
tell him to use tweezers
start pulling, conceivably it'll get bigger for you...I propose him lol
it ain't a syndrome its bad genes dude! You, I tight-fisted he, should become a priest and never let point out! Ever!
I agree 100% with Yono
ha ha ya... basically keep it away from females.. and you'lll be fine...
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