I've be discomfort after urinating what can it be?

I've been have this pain on the tip of the clitoris right after or when i'm almost done peeing, and when i dry my self i discern a bit of blood in the treatise. I also go to the bathroom a couple of times beacue i enjoy this peeing sentsation even if i just pee What can i be?? and what can i do to seize rid of it?

Answers:    It sounds like you may own a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). The feeling of need to urinate as you finish is a good sign. You should see your Dr. for a diagnosis. UTI's can wager on up into the kidneys if left untreated. Kidney infections can be VERY complex to treat. The blood could be from a UTI also. See your Dr.
yeast infection Research urinary tract infection, that's what it sounds like to me. You in recent times need some antibiotics.
you better see you o.b right away! You may own a urinary tract infection. See your MD as you may need antibiotics. Also drink cranberry liquid.
it could possibly be a urinary tract infection. its not that big of a deal but you might call for some antibiotics. UTI's are cause by germs from around your anus and vaginal area getting into your urinary tract. sometimes, when you hold intercourse or get fingered, the spinal column and fourth motion of a penis or fingers can push this bacteria up around your urinary tract. hold on to an eye on it and if the pain persist, go to the doctor and it should be no problem. they're highly normal and are cause by either sexual contact or not urinating for long period of time when you need to. and it certainly also helps when you pee after sex or sexual contact... it cleans it out and prevents bacterial build up. drinking cranberry liquid also helps verbs it up. hope this helps. It sounds resembling a Urinary Tract Infection. Alot of times its due to too much sugar or bacteria within your urinary tract.

You can get some AZO pills (in the pharmacy) that label you pee orange but it cleans your system out. Also, you call for to drink 100% cranberry juice and zilch else besides water. That should abet. If the problem persists, collaborate to your doctor.
Sounds like a UTI. See your doctor. If you don't own ins., go to Minute Clinic at CVS.
Always pee in a half hour of have sex to avoid it in the adjectives. it sounds like a bladder or urinary track infection you really necessitate to see a dr. to correctly diagnose.
First, are you sexually active? Do you find yourself have abnormal vaginal discharge? If so, later the only warning I can give to you is to see a gynecologist..now or else adjectives will get worst and effect more pain and bleeding.
These are signs that possibly you own an STD or some type of infection. So seek professional medical attention, ASAP. sounds resembling a uti ( urinary track infection ), however with blood, it could be a bladder infection which is worse. you'll necessitate to see a dr. to see if you need a antibiotic. also, beside antibiotics you can get a yeast infection so be prepared
Sounds close to you may have a UTI (urinary tract infection). A trip to the doctor is a fitting idea, if it is insupportable go to the emergency room.

In the meantime, the first article you need to do is flush your system. Drink lots of hose.lots and lots of water.and cranberry liquid as well. There is something surrounded by cranberries that reduces microbes in the bladder. Avoid soda!

A undeveloped pain reliever may relief a bit; asprin, ibuprofin etc.
Urinary Tract Infection. See your doctor for antibiotics which is the only item that will actually grasp rid of it. yeast infection or bladder infection.
i'd go to the o.b.

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