Muscle loss surrounded by the outmoded?
Why would an active 96 year dated woman who was confined to bed for 4 weeks lose her competence to walk surrounded by such a short period of time?
If so, have she any way of regaining it?
Answers: 4 weeks of bed confinement is a LONG time. Yes, she could lose her expertise to walk over that time. She may be a correct candidate for physical psychotherapy, with special attention to resistive exercises close to weight lifting, rubber band or exercises against gravity. Good PT is about the single way she will regain strength. (But realize that the rescue period for a 96 y/o is longer than for someone much younger).
Is it true woman close by menopause habitually surface depressed?
About 3 weeks ago i have my spell during sex. i own blood contained by my underwear every in a minute and afterwards, what is this?
I havent have my term surrounded by approaching 5 months and.?
Is this usual?
I didnt discern it...?
How can I get the impression righteous?Position at loss of virginity?
I used a womanly spermicide, which I muse have irritated my tongue.?
Im loosing freight and dont expect to!?
Bikini wax?