Is it a infection? Or polyps on my cervix?
Answers: You unambiguously have to walk to a doctor for inspection because in that road the doctor would be able to document the presence of a cervical polyp. Coital bleeding may parsimonious either of the enjoy mentioned..Infection often comes next to foul odor and discharge...
Okay- I would definetly check with my OB/Gyn but I judge that I read somewhere that bleeding after sex could indicate an STD? Hi I also has a miscarriage not to long ago, and the first few times my husband and I have sex, I to bled. Have you ever ben tested for scar tissue and endometreosis. ? My doctor asid that oculd be what is going on, since I hold both. Also did youhave sex before you be told. I was suppose to hang about a month, since I was three months along. I didnt hang about and the doctor said that also could be the casue. I dont have any stds.bu yes you may want to find checked for them in covering. My dc still hasnt figured out the defitnite casue but you do stipulation to go to the doctors. Becasue I am also getting teted for a generous of tumor you can get after a miscarriage. It usually individual happens if the little one was contained by your stomack with o heart batter, for a wile. my babys heart beat stopped beatig a month up to that time they knew. SO you do call for to get checked.