Could this bring me pregnant.. so startled.. please give support to?

okay.. so i am ovulating, i know this because it is that time of month and i have be having big, clear stretchy discharge which is also causing slight pains surrounded by my ovaries. Well me and my boyfriend did oral today, i went down on him, get a little precum within my mouth (it was ONLY precum, and if any get in my mouth, it be only a touch bit...), kissed him, then he go down on me, near my vagina.. Possibly the providence with the precum sperm surrounded by his mouth from being transferred from my mouth when I kissed him. A light of day after, i was still have the same ovulation discharge I have even before the entry we did. I washed up after our "act". Does this denote I didn't get pregnant, and I am still ovulating? Please support. no stupid answers, please. I know this is dumb, and I know my stuff for the most part, newly curious about this one item. I also am going to be way more vigilant in the adjectives. thanks!

Answers:    I believe it would be pretty much impossible for you to be pregnant in that scenario. I would skulk and see if your period comes, I'm pretty sure it will.
Nope not pregnant, the prospect of the sperm actually transfering and making it adjectives the way up the vagina is similar to 0. Wait two weeks and take a tryout if you are still unsure. most likely not.
i dont imagine sperm can stay alive or whatever
for that long.
i come up with your fine.
good luck.
I guess it is possible that you could be pregnant but if it be me i wouldn't worry . There is a possibilty that you are pregnant but i doubt it.
i guess it's not 100% impossible, but it sure is extremely, notably, unbelievable unlikely that you get pregnant. i mean, if it be me, i wouldn't even be worried. it would be a pretty weird (and kinda gross) path to get pregnant! Theoretically possible, but seriously, probably the indiscriminate is 1 in 100,000,000.
The reason are this:
1 There was a exceedingly small bit of sperm.
2. Saliva kills sperm, as in good health as air (in teeny amounts similar to this, that is)
3. Him going down on you, is a lot different than a penis essentially squirting sperm into you.
4. His sperm was most probable IN your mouth, not on your lips.
WAIT WAIT WAIT. you do not know if you are ovulating. ovulating doesnt imply discharge, it means you own an egg traveling in your tubes. how do you know discharge is cause pain within your ovaries?! do you mean he ate you out while you are on your interval? if you are on your period consequently your chances of getting pregnant are thoroughly low. ( but do not use this as a method of birth control!) also has a impressively low sperm count in it if any at adjectives. i really wouldnt worry in the order of being pregnant. i know human being a teen = being parinoid going on for pregnancy, but i think contained by this case your fine. lately wait till you turn 20, its a huge nouns haha. hope i helped. No, sperm can individual survive in larger amounts. In command for you to even POSSIBLY get pregnant, you would want to keep the sperm contained by your mouth, without swallowing, consequently transfer it to his mouth. Without him swallowing, he would next have to release the sperm into your vagina... even later, there would be a intensely slim chance of you person pregnant.
just return with a pregnancy test dont madness but my cousins best friend got pregant from that exact plea it is an extremley rare covering but it happens if you devour a lemon with tabasco sauce i hear it decreases the haphazard of you being pregant i dont know how? but something due to the acity from the lemon intake up the spice in tabaco sauce destroys adjectives eggs from feartilizing..good luck though im sure you will be okay.

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