I want a tubal reversal?
Answers: I don't know in the region of the recovery times and such, but I do know that tubal reversals are massively tricky...because the fallopian tubes are very skeletal and delicate...and they mark easily. With defect tissue, it can be hard (and sometimes practical impossible) for the egg to travel down the tube and for normal menstruation to take place. Just a point to consider. That's why they recommend that couples who might want to have kids again following do a vasectomy which is easily reversible instead of a tubal ligation. Good luck.
You inevitability lots and lots of money. Insurance will NOT pay for a tubal reversal. Quite complicated.! Because pregnmancy coexisting beside cervical cancer complicates staging and treatment..especially for you desirous of pregnancy.It will require a multidisciplinary approach.Tubal reversal on the other hand is meticulous.Adhesions and scarring are encounter during operation, depending on the degree. You really own to consult a gynecologist and talk give or take a few it with your sweetheart.
1.) Tubal reversals are not covered by insurance; you would own to pay out of pocket.
2.) Tubal reversals are unlikely to work.
3.) Pregnancy and cervical cancer are at probability for treatment. If you're pregnant you can't have chemotherapy or seriously of the drugs needed to treat cancer. Why would you run the risk of leaving your other children minus a mother?