I'm 18 years out-of-date. How do i know if my vagina is conventional. My boyfriend, which is 20,he say he can't get into

in.? When i tried to insert within my finger, it just go in few milimetres & there's a firm blockage. he has tried also. I know im relaxed, and in good health lubricated. How to know if i have conventional vagina? Or what should i do ... PLEASE HELP.

ima virgin , no kids, !

Answers:    Try not worry too much. From what you are adage it sounds like a problem due to a massively tough hymen, which is found a few millimetres from the vaginal entrance. Normally this breaks due to exercise, using of tampons or sex. However, sometimes it's harder than normal. The hymen's gap could widen plenty to let out blood, and you might be capable of use tampon, but not have sex. You in recent times have to budge to the gynae, and s/he will just form a small incision and you will be fine.
get past its sell-by date the computer, talk next to your mom, or call your doctor and shift in for an exam, and while you're near , if you don't already have birth control or condoms carry some! Probably, Fibrous hymen A hymen which is abnormally glutinous and tough, requiring a surgical incision to permit the woman to consummate intercourse.
Hmmm... That nouns like you may still own an intact hymen.
I'm no doctor, though. You should have a woman's physical done at your gyno's organization. (Every woman age 16 and over should have a once a year pap done, anyway) if you are 18 then it is time for you to see an OB/GYN for a per annum exam. You can discuss the issue with doctor. You should also be getting a pap smear and decide if you want to go on birth control or something. Good luck.
Get an appointment next to a gynecologist for a general check up. If you are sexually live and have never have a pelvic exam, it is time to do so. You might also ask the doctor about birth control if you don't want kids right immediately. You should probably see a doctor if you are as relaxed and well lubricated as you right to be heard then here could be a problem here maybe something to do near your hymen.
alright, does it hurt when your try to push him in further?? i have a friend that had a horrible experiance..by the mode... have you have your period however? well anyway, ego get to the doctors right style. everyone's body forms differantly , it sound approaching the opening didnt completly unambiguous when u were within ur moms womb. THAT'S NOT A PROBLEM OR ANYTHING BAD. it just way your REALLY tight, <which your bf will live when the time is right> if you've had ur time of year then thats what it sounds similar to. IF YOU HAVENT!! alright my friend was roughly speaking 12-13 <hadnt gotten it yet> and woke up with somthing coming out of her. when they go to the ER, it turned out that she had no vent in her vagina at adjectives, and the blood had acumulated over olden times year or so and ended up weigh down that peice of skin. nothing treacherous, just creepy. it be easliy fixed with for a while slice from a scapple< probably more technical than that,but not much> and the word on the street is, she have the tightest in town. So i'd move about to a Gyno ASAP, but i dont think it's a big concord. See a gyno and go see whats up. Your hymen could be to low and gelatinous.
Yeah, I am 13 and have that problem near tampons. I am still not sure what it is, but it feels similar to a bone. I guess you're not the only one. I guess I will stay a virgin, which is fine by me. I would say-so that you should see your doctor. u may just still hold a hymen or it could be something serious, its hard to know. you should be seeing an obgyn once a year when u turn 18, or start have sex, whichever comes first. This will give u more insight in the order of the problem. Also, remember that before u hold sex you should be on birthcontroll pills AND be using condoms. If u are unsure about ure body and/or sex related issues, you may want to do some research on the internet something like these things to better educate yourself give or take a few sex. Anyway, remember that every womans vagina looks slightly different but they are all fine! Good luck! :)
..sqeeezz.. lemon juice within to ur vagina..

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