I still havent's started my time of year!!?

i am sooo scared that my peroid will come within school. If it does what should i do?

Answers:    Get all set. Get some of your mom's pads and stow them in your bookbag. I get mine when I was 11 surrounded by school. If your length comes out, no worry. Just narrate your GIRL teacher. Then, she'll probably nick you to the nurse or give you some extra pad. Tell your mom when you go to university. Just to think roughly it, wow. It's been four years since I have my period. I'm 15. :-) Good Luck!
Tell a women guru. I haven't gotten mine yet though the average age is 12. I enjoy a friend who is 13 and still doesn't have it , so dont verbs. If you get your spell in arts school, go down to the nurse and narrate her. She'll be able to oblige you and give you a wad. :]
don't worry, you should start your time of year eventually. some girls, before they start their spell, wear pads only just incase it comes, so you could try that =) if it starts at school, jump to the office and ask to beckon home
first don't freak..its REALLY light on the first sunshine

ask one of ur friends..its nothing to be startled of or embaressed of

my first period started at college...i asked a teacher/friend

also go to the organization and ask to call home...they will comprehend..if the office assistant soul is male ask for a womanly or go to the nurse if ur really shy

i started when i be 13
it usualy depends on when ur mom started or ur grandmother
usually u sync up with in attendance "schedule"
if u start in academy just be sure u r wearing a wipe and have one on in recent times in overnight case u start and it is havy so it will not go into ur underwear Once you start breast nouns and discharge for 1-3 years you are most likely to own your period soon. Cramping, PMS, headache, etc. are signs of your period. Once you start have these signs then convey a pad next to you everywhere you go so that when you procure your period your prepared. Don't except a river of blood any, most first period are pretty light or a splotch or two. Just wear panty-liners and get a pad beside you, you are going to be just fine!
fetch a pad around near you... & i didnt get my time till i was 14!! trust me, you dont want it! (o and 1st period are usually light, so it probably wont seap through your pant...mine didnt at least )
hope i help :] Well you can keep pad in your locker or spare underwear. Also if it comes at academy just relax put on a wad and get on near your day. But if you surface really uncomfortable merely ask if you can phone home and then you can move about home. Its a naturarl part of vivacity and if you get it at college trust me its not that bad. Instead of wise saying oh crap! just utter yay! I'm a woman now!
Have a Happy interval!
My first period be so light for the first few days. It did win on my underwear but like I said, it be only a moment or two bit, so it didn't show through. You could just fetch a pad contained by your backpack in skin it does happen at university, or ask if one of your friends can give you one. Don't verbs, the first day it is REALLY reading light. It takes a couple of hours for it to in actual fact start up. If it does, ask a friend or the school nurse for a wad. and don't be embarrassed to ask, ethnic group go within there profoundly for them.
bring extra pads hey, I AM FIFTEEN (yes, 15) and i still havent gotten my freakin' time yet any!! but lately i have started wearing pad in my underwear and i've be feeling some twinge... hopefully we'll get ours soon! =D
basically be aware you know it could come soo .. make sure you carrie something next to u but if u do start at skool and dont have anything u can catch something form the nurse like Caroline C. said, in recent times wear a light wad until it comes. that's what i did
: )

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