If birth control pills are 99% successful, why do I know so oodles women who get pregnant on the pill?

Most birth control pills claim to be 99% effective, but I know a LOT of women who get pregnant when they say they be using birth control pills. How can this be?

Answers:    The pill is 99% effective when used PERFECTLY. Some women cart the pill as prescribed, but still get pregnant. Nothing's foolproof. They commentary for the 1% risk.

Many others, though, take the doses at many times, or miss doses altogether. This really raises a woman's pregnancy risk. Still others don't realize that antibiotics can interfere next to oral contraceptives, and don't use backup birth control after taking them. And probably a lot of women don't know that if they treaty with gastric upset (throwing up or diarrhea) after taking a dose of the pill, it may not work as designed.

Typical use of the combination birth control pill have an 8% failure rate.

Overweight women are at superior risk of unexpected pregnancy while on the pill, too. The hormones may stay within their systems for a shorter amount of time.

Oh, and the mini-pill (progestin-only pill) is a little smaller amount effective than the combination pill.
4 babies following, 4 different kinds of birth control pills, and I took them religiouly (every one of them like time every day beside out fail) Some times people are merely more pron to babys on birth control. (When we concieved baby number 3 to be exact the kind of pill I be on) Good luck Because they weren't taking them properly. The Pill MUST be taken at the same time EVERY DAY to be forceful. Many, many women are not righteous about taking them on diary. And did you know that most antibiotics will make the Pill ineffective while they're human being taken together? It's true! Most women do not know this, so whenever a woman is on an antibiotic to treat and infection, she just use condoms within addition to the Pill.

Some women, the Pill merely plain doesn't work for them, like the previous poster!
They may enjoy missed a pill or took them at different times each afternoon. You are supposed to take them at one and the same time each hours of daylight, and for some women, they don't always follow those directions. If the pill is not taken at indistinguishable time everyday, and if the pill is skipped then the pills are not as important as they should be. For the pills to be effective, they must be taken one and the same time everyday and not skipped.
99% effectively if taken properly. most of those people who get pregnant while they were on the pill be probably on antibiotics or not taking them properly cause they didnt lug regularly like they are supposed to...NEVER forget a hours of daylight and u dont have to verbs abt having a little one.

Plus other reasons but that is to say the number 1 reason why..
The pill is 99% impressive *when used properly.* If you don't take it at like peas in a pod time every day, skip a year, skip more than a day, or pocket any antibiotics at the same time, that rate of usefulness goes down.

Antibiotics within particular are a problem -- we use deeply of them for other things, and lots of women don't know that they can sort of knock the pill out as well. So if you've be given an antibiotic you need to keep hold of taking the pill, to stay in the quirk, but you ALSO need to use other things.

It's closely to keep track of, and sometimes populace goof. The problem is, those goofs affect the effectiveness of the pill.
because of errors when taking them, it's straightforward to think you are taking them properly but the slightest piece can stop them being potent a few are
some antibiotics
having loose poops or diarrhea
drinking too much ...alcohol or in recent times normal fluids (I'm chitchat excessive amounts ... 5-6 liters plus, everyone needs 3ish liters per day)
taking at the wrong time of daylight (some rely on a more precise timing than others)
GOOD LUCK because if you don't follow the rules perfectly, that percentage go down. they must be taken everyday at the same time. and similar to others have said, the pill doesn't work on everyone.
100% minus 99% is 1% and THAT is ONLY if used exactly as prescribed!

To run against the prescription is to lessen the effectiveness of the pill.

Therefore folks CAN get pregnant on the pill!
Birth control pills are single 99% eaffective when taken properly! women tend to forget to take a tablet in the future at there common time and then whip it later on which have no effect therefore making the women pregnant

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