Ok what is this?
Today when I went to the bathroom nearby was some brown stuff within my underwear. As a test I put on a wipe and when i went to the bathroom again (like 2 hours after) near was more of the brown stuff afterwards the first time. is that my period?
Answers: Yes
more than promising. its happened to me right past my period comes long...
yes it is
Yes, it is most expected your period. Congrats! Talk to your mom or elder sister about it.keep some pads or tampons contained by your purse or backpack at all times, so you other have something. If you enjoy cramps, take some midol or advil.
it happen to me when i am bout to start my period.
Yes!Congragulations!Talk to your mom or elder sister!Visit beinggirl.com!Email me at daniascott63(a)yahoo.com!:::::)))))
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