What's going on?

Hi I'm 15 and have have my period for approaching 8 months and I got it 3 weeks ago for the usually length of 7 days. Then I be off for a week and it come back later Thursday! On Wednesday of this week it was getting really buoyant (like I only have to wear a panty liner & change after conservatory & before bed) and in a minute it is starting to get heavier again. This is the 8th year! Could it be because my eating behaviour have changed drastically? I used to guzzle really healthy but lately I own been drinking so much after school. I gain like 5 pounds contained by the past month (went from 100-105). Also, any road to prevent getting it the week of March 8th (I don't know if I am, it's unpredictable)? It'll ruin my spring break cruise and that will waste my parents money :( So resembling what's going on I am really confused?

Answers:    When you first get your length it will be very irregular. It could thieve around a year to become consistent. The only sure path to not have your term on your spring break is to take birth control pills to regulate your cycles.
If its really doomed to failure go to the doctor.
I'm sure your fine though. its better to turn to a doctor
It's normal to hold irregular period at a immature age, ur body is still adjusting. But if keep going, ur only choice will be to be in motion to the doctors, and to avoid coming at a certain date, going to the doctors and getting birth control would work. If u dont wnat to, start practing how to insert a tampon so ull be comfortable during spring break if it does transpire to come again. hi dear, i suggest you tell your parents and see a doctor, it also happen to me, though somehow different from yours. Mine was that, sometimes i will not see it for a stretch of 3 months, atimes i would devise i was pregnant, but the try-out will always read cynical and the doctors will tell me it's lately homone inbalance, i wish i have taken it seriouly because i really gain so much weight which could hold been one of the reason for that. And after sometimes it will come, just resembling that until it developed to something else. So please i suggest you tell your mum and dance see the doctor, so that it can be corrected on time. please don't rearrangement like i did.
Ask the university nurse.

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