Is it true?

that if you you have to contemplate about something twice consequently you shouldnt do it? Im thinking about getting a tatoo but i dnt know if i will similar to and im statrin to feel if i enjoy to second guess it then i shouldnt do it..i really dont want to catch something i regret

Answers:    Tattoos are for poor people. Buy yourself a pretty bracelet. At lowest possible then you can lift it off when you want.
basically think of the pros and cons around getting or not getting it and then settle on on what's right for you. You'll know when you're ready. Good Luckk! Sounds to me as though you own answered you own are unsure...and you are thinking twice in the order of it.Perhaps it is not a great idea for you at this time.You are showing presage by thinking twice b4 making this decision which is devout
wait a while and if you still are have secong thoughts then dont do it purely wait a while untill you for surely want to do it or if for surely dont want to do it I would love to be one of those cool looking girls next to tattoos, etc. and this is just my assessment.
I wouldnt get a tattoo b/c...
~ what happen when you get prehistoric? It shrivels and wrinkles and you will barely authorize what the tattoo is.
~What happens if you gain immensity? Your tattoo will stretches and probably remind you everyday that you are gaining.
~What happen if you lose weight? The tattoo will carry smaller and smaller and wont be recognized.
~What happen if you get a boyfriends/girlfriends first name? What if you break up and find someone new? You will other remind yourself of your ex and your newly "mate" will other be questioning your love and commitment b/c of your exes baptize.
~What happens when your adjectives kids or present kids turn 16-18 saying they want a tattoo b/c they want to be "freshly like you"
THIS IS JUST MY OPINION OF WHY I DONT GET ONE but do what your heart tell you to. I guess you could always enjoy it removed but if you go into it thinking you could other get it removed, after why get it done to start next to?

sounds like an awesome tattoo you might catch.
write a list of pros and cons.
if your with the sole purpose young you own ages to get one done.

if your over 40, move about for it!
tattoos are very expensive - not for poor those. that's ignorant. i hold one that only my husband see, and every now and later others, when i wear a bikini. it's on my hip. however, since a tattoo is expensive, permanent and unbelievably painful to remove, if you're have any doubts, wait. i never, ever regret my tattoo. so i don't reckon getting one is the best idea. i have an idea that its good to dream up things over so as not to do something i would later regret.
Tattoos are lame. Don't capture it. no dnt get one if ur have 2nd thoughts, experiment with henna or buy some large quality transfers. u can capture really amazing ones that can last up to 2 weeks, try this site:
hope this help u!

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