Help! PLEASE! really requirement honest guidance?

I have only just had sex for the first time and every time i budge to the toilet i bleed really badly. it's not my spell because it's already been but i'm other feeling tired and sick... please facilitate... i'm scared!

P:S, i also enjoy a lump on my vagina wall

Answers:    I believe it's been bleeding too long for it to be due to your hymen alone. I would unequivocally go and draw from that lump checked. Your parents don't have to know you have sex. Just tell them you have an itch, you scratched it, and this lump won't quit bleeding now. Go and capture checked. It could be something serious, then again, it could be nil.
check with the doc but for me after have sex for the first time my hymen broke in an unusual style so it is now a blemish so the lump may be nothing but a bit of blemish, not sure about the persistant bleeding you may of basically been cut and it is taking a while to alleviate but i do recommened you check with the doc that adjectives is ok Sounds bad, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Tearing of the hymen. Try to enjoy gentle sex for a while,..however I'd keep on a few days,and go see the doc tor kind sure you didn't hurt yourself to badly. It's also might be an std,not to startle you,but it's a possibility. Go to see you ob/gyn if the bleeding last more than 2 -3 days have sex for the first time most all girls do bleed some more than others but it really shouldn't be similar to a period it should give the impression of being more like spotting. and for the lump how long have it been since you have sex? did you practice safe sex? the lump really wishes to be check.

not sure how old you are but if you consistency like you can't verbalize to you parents about this later there is free clinics you can move about to if you are 12 or older and it is completly confidential they can not notify your parents if you don't want them too. They are normally a county run clinic or a plan parenting clinic or ask someother adult you can trust may your arts school nurse but find out first if what ever you tell her breed sure she can keep it from you parents. but yeah progress get that check to be protected. that is nil to let travel when it comes to that area of our bodies
A lump contained by your vaginal wall could be just module of your normal anatomy, The best counsel would be to make an appointment next to a health effort provider for an evaluation.

Don't scare roughly anything you may continue your sexual energy

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