Can a drought of typical time symptoms be a sign of pregnancy?
I was supposed to bring my period on the 5th and didn't but for these long-gone 2 months starting in Jan enjoy had no length symptoms. Usually a week before my boobs swell and start to hurt, and I usually draw from headaches the 2 days earlier etc. but I haven't had any of that. I am 4 days overdue and it is now the 5th year and when I wiped i have light pink blood within T.P. Whats going on? Always had sypmptoms b4 starting
Answers: One totally quick process to sort this out is a pregnancy test.
Have you be ill not long lost weight or anything, as this may affect your monthly cycle.
I would buy a examination first as you would get and on the spot response to the question.
sometimes hasty in the pregnancy you acquire some spotting! Id take a pregnancy experiment it sounds to me like you are!
yes thats wat happen when you get pregnant
You know I have the same problem when I be pregnant. I would give it another week and lift a test. The best one I took be Clear Blue Easy. Awesome!! GL
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