Question roughly "down there" im so embaressed, ladies solely please.?

Ok so about 2 weeks ago I have sex. And ever since it itches BAD and hurts like heck. its even for a while swollen too. What is it and what do i do? thanks.

Answers:    STD?
hopefully its only a yeast infection. pick up some monistat at ur local pharmacy. if that doesn't clear it up u should see a doctor. could b an std. yea you might need to jump to the doctor
It's probably a yeast infection. Is there also a discharge that's milky or gluey like cottage cheese? If so, after it's more than likely a yeast infection. Try using something resembling Monistat. If your symptoms don't go away or gain worse, see your doctor because you may have a bacterial infection. You might hold an infection? I would go to the doctor and acquire it checked out! Good Luck
GO TO THE DOCTOR! its probably a infection but just to construct sure it isnt something way worse. You should probably move about to a gynacologist, I have no other thinking, you should get it checked out though, it might be extremely serious
if it's a yeast infection, diflucan ( an antifungal pill- usually only 1 dose) kill it, get your doc to perscribe it and see if it works Honeymooners cystitis:
Most predictable yeast infection, somewhat normal, I agree next to everyone else, get monistat, hopefully that works, otherwise definently draw from it checked out. Do not self medicate or treat something that give indistinguishable symptoms as a yeast infection. It could be serious. Go see a doctor now rather.if not consequently at your earliest convience is best!!
was in attendance a condom used? It sounds like you may hold candida or yeast infection. Make an appointment to go to the Gynocologist of late to be on the safe side, once you are sexually helpful it's important to step anyway so why not start now...also, please for adjectives reference sort sure that a condom is used at all times. It sounds resembling to me that you have a yeast infection. The constant itching and swelling point to this. Are you have any discharge?

A yeast infection can be caused by various things, and the good report is, is that it is pretty easy to fix.

Any local drug store should cary over the counter products that can rid the infection, and relief you get previous it. If the problem worsens, or it doesn't go away in a week, deffinitely see a doctor.

It's not easy to acquire over the discomfort, but I promise it will go away if specifically what it is. I recommend the Vagisil Wipes.. easy. Not messy, and will relieve the burny itchy reaction.
Wash the area outstandingly well near a mild antibacterial soap as frequently as you can, and remember to wipe from front to back. It sounds funny, but it's the means of access you're supposed to do it! Any doctor will tell you this.

Good Luck!
See a doctor ASAP. It could be a bacterial infection, yeast or worse (STD) and short treatment it could have serious lifelong consequence's Princess DI sounds right to me...Hopefully its purely a yeast infection. (do you have glutinous cottage cheese like discharge?) you can walk the the pharmacy and buy a kit that tell you if you have one or not and you can also buy creams for it that relieve a lot and can cure it. But if the check from the pharmacy says you dont own a yeast infection, and the creams dont work I would go to your doctor asap! I know its embarrasing but you really involve to get checked for STDs. And dont verbs doctors have see worse so dont be embarrassed.
See a doctor as soon as possible; in that are a lot of things that could be wrong and the right treatment depends on the right diagnosis. If you did not use birth control/disease control, PLEASE coach yourself about them and label sure you do use them in the adjectives. I recommend Dr. Ruth Westhemer's book for first-time lovers. Most likely, it is a yeast infection. This may be cause by several things, like too tight of jeans, or approaching having sex. I don't know why guys dont appear to get it, they do appear to pass them around though. Yeast infections inevitability to be treated, and there is immediately an over the counter med. Monistat 7 etc. which is a cream that can make the itch and throbbing stop and I would try that first, otherwise, it could be an std. Don't worry, probably lately the yeast infection.
It sounds like a yeast infection, hun. You can take that cleared right up just by going to the store and buying some Yeast infection cream. Don't be ashamed. It happens to adjectives of us girls. =] im sorry to say but it sounds resembling an std... you need to shift that checked... and if it is.. make sure you consent to that guy know that you had sex beside that he gave it to ya
Different types of infections:

Signs of yeast infections:
White, cottage cheese-like discharge
Swelling and discomfort around the vulva
Intense itching

Signs of bacterial vaginosis:
A white, gray or yellowish vaginal discharge
A fishy odor that is strongest after sex or after wash with soap
Itching or burning
Slight blush and swelling of the vagina or vulva

Signs of trichomoniasis
A watery, yellowish or greenish bubbly discharge
An unpleasant odor
Pain and itching when urinating
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