How long does it purloin for the pill to stop working?

My girlfriend stopped taking her pill for a whole month (before that she would miss the occasional morning anyway), we have still be having un-protected sex during this time and not withdrawing, could she still receive pregnant in this month stale the pill or would it have built up a enclosure that would take time to break down?? She have been taking this pill for 2 years and be taking a different brand 6 years before that. Thanks for your abet!

Answers:    The pill (ALL combined contraceptive pills, that is to say) are important to prevent pregnancy as long as it is taken EVERY day. This is why the instructions state that if you miss more than 2 consecutive days, backup contraception MUST be used.

That anyone said, some women don't ovulate right away when coming off the pill. There is no physical protection here, it's not something that lasts more than 48's greatly random, and should NOT be relied upon for contraception.

So if you don't WANT to be parents, after do NOT be having unprotected sex. There is NOT method i.e. 100% effective -- even the pill -- and if she's not on it, it will just be a matter of time back she does become pregnant.

And just an FYI, a woman is not guaranteed to become pregnant if she's not using contraception, but the annual rate of pregnancy near no contraception is about 80%...
hi within a word YES..!! COULD get preg. any time Is it possible to grasp pregnant during this month, Yes. However, the pill thins the lining of the uterus to give a hand prevent a fertilized egg from attaching. It is less plausible that she would get pregnant during this time bad the pill, since she has taken it for so long, than for those who do not clutch the pill.
Overall, it's possible to fall pregnant, even if you purely miss one pill - obviously this hasn't happen in your situation.

Women are told though, that it take about 6 months for their bodies to catch back to ''normal''

If your trying for a infant, then upright luck, and don't worry. it will ensue sooner or later.

If your NOT trying, afterwards I suggest you both take a trip to ancestral planning and get some contraception sorted.

As I said it IS possible to become pregnant after lately missing a day or two.

Hope this help. x

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