What something like GARDASIL?
Answers: I would research it before you desire to get the shot.
My largest concern is the fact that it hasn't be out for very long and it's cause problems for women who have have it, death, blood clots, miscarriages, birth defect... If it's causing these problems immediately imagine what more they will find down the road.
ok so i have to get it and it be really nasty and hurt a great deal. I hate shots and you dont hold to be 18 to get it and if you are below 18 you porbable need a 'rent i dont cogitate that they do it at planned parenthood. hope it help. oh and u have to procure liek 3 of them not fun no, there is no age restriction, except you must be older than 9 I believe. You might involve a parents permission, unless you, or your insurance, is paying for it, most insurances cover it. I get my vaccine from a planned parenthood, but I don't know that adjectives of them do it. I think it's a great concept. certain types of HPV can be allied to cancer, and also, it helps to prevent genital wart. i think you should return with it.
i got it and im 14 i imagine its a great idea i be going to who wants cancer and yes u do hold to haveur parents perssion. and theres no age limit u a short time ago have to achieve it b4 ur sexually active i believe you own to be at least nine to gain it. it is a series of three shots. you get your second one i regard as two months after your first? and your third one six months after. i got it done and i am fifteen