My breast are swollen, but lately they appear to own gone down, could this be a miscarriage?
Answers: Not necessarily-----your breasts don't ache the entire time you are pregnant.
if you conjecture you are miscarrying then conceivably you should call a doctor... the you simply have a newborn cause if you did that's probably the sense.
possibly, and if so..i'm sorry.
maybe your "tummy" is basically getting bigger and your breasts just appear to be "shrinking" lol. during your peroid they swell. Miscarriage is bleeding and you 'd lknow it
hormones dont worry but to be within the safe side ask your doc why do you even look at them?
pervert. really, calla docter
You gotta gossip to your doctor!! Swolen breasts are a symptom of inflamatory breast cancer! GO NOW! I think they swell up and swell down , put money on and forth...but I am not sure so call your nearest hospital and ask to speak to a nurse and consequently ask her if that is something to ba alarmed more or less... she will tell you