Feeling funny around my overies. Like prickly or slight spasm.?

What could it be? I am just very soon done with my lupron depot treatments. Also have unprotected sex for the past few weeks back lupron treatments were done.

Answers:    craft an appointment with your OBGyne.. it best to enjoy you examine thoroughly... must be those meds your taking and it might cauze some side effects...
on day similar to 14 to 16 of your cycle which is like 2 weeks after you get your period you may discern that exact feeling buecase your ovaries are releasing the egg. If both ovaries get the impression that way, I'm not sure. But when I have an ovarian cyst, it felt close to sharp, almost painful pressure around that ovary. It could also basically be normal ovulation. If the torment lasts, I'd run see your doctor again.

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