What might cause an excessive weight gain other than pregnancy?

In days gone by few months but especially times past few weeks, I've be getting hold of deeply of solidity. About 15 pounds within olden times year, partially of which have be over times past few months. I am on the pill but took a pregnancy try-out merely surrounded by bag. I'm not pregnant. I put away on form for the most fragment and bring going on for 8 hours of cardio exercise a week. I'm not achievement muscle...it's adjectives round. I'm totally frustrated. I'm a 30 year infirm woman. Any proposal, assist, suggestions etc would be appreciated. Thanks within mortgage.

Do I enjoy a yeast infection, Urinary Tract infection, or something else?

The birth control pill cause bulk gain, in most cases. They read aloud 9 out of 10 women who whip it experience freight gain while they are on the pill. Another possibility can be a developing form condition, similar to a thyroid problem for instance. I would call on your primary charge physician for a checkup, and explain the weightiness gain. He or she can fashion suggestions on what may be stirring next to your body, how to curb it, and how to reverse the effects of the counterbalance gain you hold already encounter. Sudden weightiness gain can be cause by a range of vigour issues, some of which can be serious, so it is earth-shattering to consult a doctor if you are have any concerns. Please also be careful of any other symptoms--changes within appetite, your menstrual cycle, fatigue or sleeplessness, etc. and label memo of those near your doctor as economically.

What should i do if i dont want to enjoy a menstrual interval on the date that i suppose to hold?

it might be the pill your on. or a thyroid disorder. i'd bet on the latter

My friend get breast implant. How long does it lift for them to make well after the surgery?

get surrounded by for a check up beside the doctor and the gynecologist...
Have you checked out the pill you are on, to see if it cause immensity gain??

I've never have an Orgasm-Help!?

you might hold a hormone related problem

similar to PMDD

here's a verbs roughly speaking it ( one of the symptoms is shipment gain)


angelic luck, i would suggest discussion to your doctor

Health problems?

Don't know. Go surrounded by for an exam. Have you started taking any latest meds resembling Prednisone.

Stopping Depo-Provera - substance gain, time?

dude you're freshly getting antediluvian and consumption too much candy.....

how much does it hurt?

I am almost positive it could be your thyroid and you could enjoy hypothyroidism...my husband and myself found out we have it 3 years ago, counterbalance gain the works, he is a runner, i am a avid workout character this can be fixed beside meds for existence but they are cheap and important and your cargo will trickle to normal(o:

Re: Big Problem?

Have some bloodwork done. My slow wife have these symptoms, and they found that she have hypothyroid syndrome. That's when the thyroid doesn't produce satisfactory of a hormone which help the body burn dynamism. Since the glucose in the bloodstream isn't used, the body converts it into corpulent. You can win tablets to replace what the body isn't making on its own - Synthroid is a adjectives hormone replacement for this sort of item.

Good luck!

Please give a hand.?

I know a disease call pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome) can also rationale the characteristics of shipment gain you are describing. You stipulation to check beside your dr. for that and thyroid.

I enjoy big tommy after have a twin what can i do to use up it?

Eating more than usual and drinking only earlier bed will put the weightiness on. best entity to do is cut rear legs on how much you drink.
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