What is the color, texture, scent, and amount of vaginal discharge for a typical girl on a normal day?

I am also diabetic so i go and get yeast infections more commonly than other family, but i treat myself regularly. I would similar to to see if what you right to be heard is mundane match what i enjoy, please be honest, NO RUDE ANSWERS PLEASE!! Also how much discharge is released everyday?

Sinuses and Discharge. Kinda clear. SORRY!?

Magenta, sandpaper, Walmart lobsters, 2 litres.

Does spoting parsimonious your pregnant?


I want a squeeze..?

yellowish/whitish, smooth/gooey, idk how to describe smell..lol hehe, and not too much a year i merely wear a panty liner and it take prudence of the morning...geez guys if you dont own anything long-suffering to enunciate dont answer! she desires assistance its around her vigour dont fool around...

What could be a logical use for me spotting for 3 weeks straight?

Vaginal discharge is ordinary and vary during your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation (the release of the egg), nearby is A LOT of mucous produced, up to 30X more than after ovulation. It is also more runny and pliable during that phase of your cycle. You may want to wear panty liner during that time.

The things to be worried roughly include if the discharge have a pallid or green color, is clumpy close to cottage cheese, or have a doomed to failure odor. If worried, see a doctor.

Different Types of Discharge

White: Thick, white discharge is adjectives at the dawn and terminate of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompany by itching. If itching is present, gummy white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and ability you are ovulating.

Clear and runny: This occur at different times of your cycle and can be in particular sweet after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if gelatinous or clumpy resembling cottage cheese or have a foul odor.

Brown: May ensue right after period, and is a moment ago "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may go on when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes impulsive within pregnancy you may own spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your extent would as a rule come. If you own spotting at the time of your ordinary length to some extent than your usual amount of flow, and you own have sex short using birth control, you should check a pregnancy trial.

A ordinary vaginal discharge consists of roughly speaking a teaspoon (4 ML) a hours of daylight to be exact white or transparent, sticky to contracted, and odorless. This is formed by the common germs and fluids the vaginal cell put sour. The discharge can be more perceptible at different times of the month depending on ovulation, menstrual flow, sexual stir and birth control.

It is not atypical for the majority discharge to be dusk, brown or discolored a daytime or two following the menstrual interval.

If you are have ANY of the symptoms below SEE YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.

* Pain
* Itching
* Discomfort
* Rash or sores alone or beside a vaginal discharge

is that majority?

Do you realize singular guys answered you sound out so far?

If a girl solitary have sex once but doesnt plan on have sex for roughly 7 years?

it could be milky white color, or a yellowish color that have an oder. Only cause i know is because of my ex have one. hope captn. B could give a hand. But you can also step online to one of those form sites and read up on it .

My Friend have A lump on one of her breast, shes 13 and its be hurting her(the unbroken breast) regulary?

through out your underwear when you are curing a yeast infection because you will maintain getting it rear also a doctor can grant you medication beside your antibiotic to hold on to you from getting them..use yogurt to purge the smell and it fight the germs.ordinary is clear none smelling discharge.if it smells its not a yeast infection

blood urine?

yellowish-green, glumpy (snot), tuna fish, 1/8 teaspoon .
Now this would be for a 'typical' girl on a 'middle-of-the-road sunshine'.

but .for a girl resembling you . oh perchance 2 liters

" so i attain yeast infections more regularly than other relatives, but i treat myself "

gratefulness for sharing !

A personal query?

During a yeast infection, you will hold more of a pale "hocker-like" consistency. But as for a majority discharge- color is similar to a translucent type, gooey but smooth, scent depends on if you transport supervision of yourself or not. and as far as discharge i would influence not adequate to drizzly your underwear but still a distinct amount. Personally i would vote 2 times a year i discharge.

I have a little one 4 months ago and i am breastfeeding i started to hold substantial vaginal bleeding is this everyday ?

Well, what is mundane for one personality and another is other different. That person said. It can be clear to sickly surrounded by color. A teaspoon if you are ovulating between period. If it's thickish and ashen and smells it's not conventional. You have need of to thieve a pro-biotic to prevent the yeast infections, strength food stores own them and so does Nutrition Express. That would abet you profoundly. You can find some of that protection from yogurt but it with the sole purpose have one of the several you have need of...I'd get hold of the capsule and give somebody a lift 1 or 2 a daylight partly hour after a lunchtime. This will really build up the worthy germs and snuff out the yeast contained by your body that is to say cause you these problems. Also do not nick go in swimming, bring a shower, dry really all right and do not wear silky panties or thongs...wear something beside a cotton inside layer that can be bleached. Good luck infant girl. Miss Mary

I am on seasonal and enjoy be on it for two months and i own have my time for over a month is that narmal?

it smells resembling a big mac from mcdonalds and have give or take a few equal texture as the special sauce.

Im really curious..?

I contemplate this is a difficult ask to answer because everyone is different. What's run of the mill for me may not be what is everyday for you (especially since you enjoy diabetes). But.I'll try to answer anyway.

If I wear black underwear, the discharge comes out white, so I regard as of it as white, but sometimes it is slightly yellowish and as you would expect close to my extent and after my length get brownish. The texture change throughout my cycle. Closer to ovulation it is more copious. It change surrounded by solidity depending where on earth I am surrounded by my cycle. The scent...hmmm...how to explain? Pleasant, I approaching it. I denote, I don't regard it's approaching anything else. But I reckon the best means of access to know what's run of the mill for you is to study yours regularly. Touch it, smell it, check your underwear to see what it looks close to. You probably already do this, but I of late presume it's something that should be normalize among women, so I resembling to raise your spirits empire to do it. Finally, as for amount, that's another type of subjective entity. When I'm not ovulating, it's adequate to take some on my underwear, but it doens't run through. During ovulation, it is ample to gross me discern drizzly and sometimes soaks through my underwear.

I hope that help and thankfulness for bringing up a topic women should discuss nearly more!
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