Are women generally more fertile before or after their period?

My friend and I are arguing and in a minute we have need of a final answer. ANSWER ME. HELP DEAR MOTHER OF GOD

And no, I don't want children, they alarm me.

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You could look at it any agency... women are fertile mid cycle, so that could be interpreted as 2 weeks after their time of year have begin, or two weeks formerly their subsequent time of year is due. Most race, however, see it as women are fertile 2 weeks after their interval have started.

Good luck.


after i read an article on this

i am have this white discharge from my vagina and i enjoy little torment around vagina and my lower put a bet on?


Periods are an finish of the fertility cycle, cleaning of the womb,in preparation for a topical cycle.

..@ @

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during and after :)
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